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"Amanda, I have somewhere to go I'll be back soon." Andrew said and I nodded.

My life has been nothing as I expected since Andrew and I got married. It has gotten even worse this was never what I expected.

I made my way to my room that's when I heard my phone ringing. Looking at the caller id I saw it was my boyfriend Logan.

Picking up the call, I answered "Yeah."

"When are you getting a divorce from him? It's been 6 years." He yelled from the other side.

"Stop shouting. I didn't get the money till now."

"Fuck the money. You are saying this for 6 fucking years. How long does it take for him to trust you?"

"I don't know, I am trying."

"Are you really?" He sounded unsure.

"What the fuck does that supposed to mean?"

"Oh please, stop fooling around. We both know that your so-called husband is never going to trust you enough to give everything to you."

I couldn't argue at this. He was right, Andrew would never give me his property. He has Dante to handover everything to.

"So why are you with him? Answer me now."

"He will give me at least half of his property, after all it was me who looked after his son for so long. He has to. Or even if it's not Andrew it will be Dante to give me the property so, don't worry."

He scoffed "And when would that be?"

"Soon baby, just be a little patient."

"We haven't met for over 2 weeks now. I want to see you. I want to taste those lips of yours."

I rolled my eyes.

"Of course baby, we'll meet but when Andrew is not around. He is leaving for Germany soon, so maybe after that. I don't want to ruin everything now. I have done too much."

"Of course you did. I miss you baby."

"Miss you too. Bye."

With that I hung up.


"I have to figure a way out to leave this psychopath. He is getting on my nerves."

I smirked "Maybe I have a way to get rid of him as I got rid of my favourite sister."

I still remember how she begged me that night to not kill her but it was so necessary.

She just had a perfect life, the life that I always wished for but never got. She had the person I loved, how can I let her have what was mine. So, this was the only way left.

I still remember that night when I killed her.

"Logan you look after the connections and keep Dante busy." I said.

"You sure everything would be fine?" He asked.

Coward ass.

"Of course everything would be fine."

He went to take off the plug. I was hiding in the kitchen watching Em struggling making something and Amaya was outside with Dante.

I smirked.

Well that's good, you are spending time with him in the last moments of your life.

Em called and she came in the kitchen running, just as she came the lights went out.

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