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I was making my way to Eth's room when my phone started ringing, it was Wade.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Sir there's a problem." He sounded worried.

"What problem?"

"Sir A-Amamda-"

"What about Amanda?"

"She escaped."

My jaw clenched. This was the thing of which I was scared.

He continued "Sir someone helped her to escape the mental care."

"Find him." Was all I said.

"Yes sir."

"Now Wade. I want you to inform me who that person was as soon as possible."

"Yes sir, I'll try my best."

"I don't want you to try Wade, I want him."

"Yes sir."

Hanging up the call, I punched the wall beside.

"Everything is just fine, why now Amanda? Why now?"

Taking a deep breath, calming myself down I went to Eth's room. As soon as I entered Eth and Noah pushed me out of the room.

"What the-"

"We'll be going to the club now." Eth announced.

"What about the movie?" I asked in confusion.

"Fuck it. We are going out, that's it." Both Noah and Eth continued pushing me back trying to get me out of the house. They didn't even let me utter a single word.

After we reached the club, Eth and Noah went to the dance floor while I was sitting on the couch sipping wine from my glass waiting for Wade to tell me who was the person who helped Amanda to escape the mental care.

At the same time Adrian who was sitting beside me spoke up "I didn't tell you something."

I looked at him.

"I told Emily about my feelings."

I nodded slowly not looking at him.

I know about it already Adrian.

"And she said 'no'."

"I know." I replied "Eth told me."

He smiled "You both are together, aren't you?"

"I have already said this, I love her."

"She too loves you, its visible in her eyes. When you are with her there's a strange shine in those eyes. I think it was just me, who was being an obstacle in your relationship."

I shook my head "You weren't an obstacle. You liked her, it was just your feelings for her that's it."

"Did you talk to Layla?" He asked.

I nodded. "I told her, I love Emily."

"Is she okay?"

"I hope so."

My phone started ringing again, it was from Mr. Elliott Smith. He is an officer who is looking after the Augustine case.

I hope he has some good news for me.

Excusing myself, I picked up the call.


"Mr. Armel I have a good news for you."

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