Chapter One - Saviour

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Things could not have been more disastrous for Alice first she found out that she and Jasper were not indeed mates but she would meet him in two years luckily from what she could see he was an old friend of Carlisle's then Isabella tried to kill herself honestly the girl was a danger magnet and now here they were in Volterra in the presence of the Kings great she was going to die before she met her mate "Thanks a lot, Edward" she thought while rolling her eyes at her brother.

The vampire in question sent an apologetic gaze to his sister when suddenly Jane fell to her knees crying out in pain an angelic voice echoed through the room " Aro and Caius Volturi how dare you" Edward and Alice turned to see a woman standing in front of the two men a hooded cloak over her hide her face from view while she scolded the two 'kings' in another language.

After she finished she vanished from sight as if she was never there "You three may leave but according to the law you must turn your mate before she turns 23"

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Felix and Demetri escorted them out of the building. The two vegetarian vampires spent the rest of their trip back home in shock from what they saw after dropping Bella off; they made their way back to the Cullen residence and recalled what happened at this Carlisle sat up almost in a panic and asked "Was it a red cloak?" Both his children nodded at him in response as Carlisle seemed to pale "You two were saved by the oldest vampire in existence I wasn't aware that she was in Volterra no wonder Aro and Caius let you go to anger her would be a mistake."

Edward tried to see if Carlisle knew anything about her identity but got the same answers: he had a red cloak and a beautiful voice that had a small accent. The only difference was that Carlisle had the same words going through his mind, the Zenovia life of Zeus. That provided Edward with no help.

Deciding not to pursue it any longer he turned to Alice and Jasper "You two aren't mates?" with this the whole room turned to them in shock now noticing the distance between the two "According to Marcus we seem to be chosen mates, not true mates and Alice foresaw both our mate's mine will appear first" Rosalie walked over to Jasper and hugged him after he finished.

The Cullens knew that they were chosen mates but they didn't think that it was possible for their true mates to appear so long after they had been turned.

Instinctively Edward hugged Alice the two were close seeing as they couldn't exactly control their gifts and balanced each other well like actual siblings while Carlisle, Esme and Emmett stood watching with mixed reactions. Later that night Edward went to get Bella. The girl still wanted to discuss her mortality to most of the vampires in the room's annoyance; it was clear to see that even if she truly 'loved' Edward she wanted immortality more and Edward was completely blind to it.

"Hi everyone" they looked up from their various activities to see Bella. She looked drained even if they didn't like her. She kept Edward happy and that was what mattered. Edward's head snapped up. He didn't know that his family felt that way; it made him feel a bit guilty but a quick nudge from Emmett made him realize that he didn't want him to feel guilty.

The rest of that night moved slowly and was horrible for the Cullens as they silently ingested the collective amounts of shocking news they had gotten that day. Hopefully, tomorrow will be less stressful.

Volterra Italy

A woman sits in the library her golden eyes seem to be drinking in the words of the book she was reading when the doors open looking up a smile forms "Aro, Caius, Marcus to what do I owe this visit" The three men watch her and smile she, after all, was the reason they were still alive putting down her book she patted her lap and immediately the three surrounded her trying to see who could put their head on her lap first.

Laughter escapes the woman's lips as they glare at each other soon Sulpicia and Athenodora are in the room watching with smiles as she runs her hand through Aro and Caius hair and Marcus reads soon Marcus speaks "Mother do you really have to leave?" She smiles at him and nods, being the oldest in the room she got used to being called, mother, while Caius called her aunty. Raising her head she turns to look at the twins who but look as if they want to burst into tears "It seems as my mate is with the Cullens and is waiting for me and the bond is pulling me to him I must go but I will still make my monthly visit"

Leaning over she places a kiss on both the vampires who don't want her to leave; they get up and let her hug them, her hands glow as a protective barrier forms around Volterra "Now follow the rules and be safe" they nod as she exits the room to pack. Aro glances at his brothers and pouts a bit "Does this mean we have to be really nice to Carlisle at this both Marcus and Caius flinch and nod while their wives burst out laughing at their childish behaviour.

Racing to Forks was not what Zenovia wanted to be doing at the point in time as she placed her feet on the Rez she waited as expected the pack surrounded her she immediately let out a warning growl as her eyes meet the Alphas who immediately shifted with a huge smile on his face "Mother" he said running up and hugging the vampire her hood fell off allowing the pack to see the familiar face of the only vampire allowed on their side of the treaty "How are you Sam?" she asked while the others shifted back to their human form "I heard you found your imprint and that Ephrims descendant finally shifted" at this Sam introduced her to the new members.

"Everyone this is Zenovia also known as the Vampire Mother and our own Saviour" the boys had heard the legends and marvelled as Jacob walked up to her with a grin before hugging the woman. "Why are you here though Ma?" she smiles "It seems my mate is a Cullen" at this all the boys cheer knowing that she had been mateless for more than several hundred millennia.

Turning to Sam she points to the peak between the treaty it was neutral ground the others were confused until they saw a house appear "My shields are strong I will be back in the morning" At this the boy's nod as she disappears from their sight.

Zenoiva looks at her house with a smile. It was good to be back. She looked around at the many pictures that showed previous years of her life with many different people and vampires. The red cloak she wore was now draped on her couch. She needed a shower and a bite.

Looking around she opened the fridge as expected. The vampire hired made sure to stock her fridge with animal blood. She took out a pack and started drinking it while she made her way upstairs. Tomorrow she would introduce herself to Carlisle and the members of the coven before going to the Rez.

 Tomorrow she would introduce herself to Carlisle and the members of the coven before going to the Rez

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