Chapter three - Let's have a chat

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If Zenovia was annoyed she didn't show it the day had been hectic and all the wolves and Cullens were now in her house having an honest conversation when Edward entered with his human. Everyone quickly glanced at Rosalie and Zenovia who were discussing cars when they stopped and looked at the girl.

Rosalie gave Edward a look and moved to sit in Emmett's lap while he played a game with Paul the two men shared a look before pausing turning away from the game to observe the scene happening "Edward I told you today was specifically for family" at this Jasper and Sam shared a look the two had just bonded over battles of history and the many things they shared in common but right now they were a bit concerned for Edwards life.

That is when Bella saw the cloak and gasped "You're the vampire that saved us" Zenovia's turned to look at the girl and nodded "Yes I did but I gave you more time however I happened to hear how you are willing to throw away our family for a boy and immortality" at this Rosalie and Leah scoffed both girls thought that Bella was being selfish.

But Zenovia just raised her hand "Bella today I want to spend time with both my families so Edward will escort you home and come back is that understood" Bella looks at Zenovia and nods before walking out with Edward.

"Honestly that girl gives me a headache" At this everyone starts laughing and continues their conversations when Carlisle walks over and grabs one of the cupcakes she made "Carlisle did you ask?" The blonde doctor gave her a sheepish look before saying "Sorry Mum" she gives him a small smile and nods when Seth looks at her "Hey Z why do a lot of the older vampires call you mum?" at this a few people look at her even Edward who practically speed sprinted back looked curious "It's because I'm the first cold one I can't remember when exactly I was born but I have been alive for a long time from what I remember my parents where what is now considered Greek but I was born a witch but something went very wrong one day and when I woke up I was a vampire but I didn't mind I got to see many events that humans would wish to see."

At this Jacob asked like what exactly "Well let's see I saw the crucifixion,I also saw the plagues of Egypt and meet Queen Esther if it wasn't for her brown eyes I would have mistaken her for a vampire" With these words Zenovia realized that most of them were watching her in shock "I also meet Bram Stoker he was an odd man but Debussy was worse and don't get me started on the Dark ages"

With a delicate shrug of her shoulders, " I'm old" at this the rest of the room nodded then burst out laughing at her offended expression. Standing up Zenovia beckoned for Edward to follow her "We will be back" before she dragged the boy into her study and closed the door "Now let's have a chat" The vampire in question suddenly got nervous and looked at his shoes he felt like a child again "Tell me why everyone around you is putting up with a human girl who doesn't even love you" at this Edward mumbled so softly under his breath that even with her vampiric abilities she didn't hear "Speak up Edward" he then says a bit louder "she does love me"

At this Zenovis rolls her eyes and looks at the boy in front of her "Really then why does she also love Jacob Black?" with that Edward winces for a second. Zenovia feels a bit bad but she wanted to understand "So you love her?" he nods and looks at Zenovia "She is everything to me" The woman looks at him and sighs "Fine but I will be monitoring this relationship because it looks and feels toxic to me if it wasn't for Marcus's gift I would have already separated you two" The woman dismisses him and leans back looking at her computer to see Aro, Caius and Marcus alongside the twins they all seem to be in deep thought "Aunty was that really the best thing to do?" Looking at Caius she smiles "I'm not sure but she is his mate and we owe him that much"

The twins both nodded after thinking about it and sat down to listen to Zenovia's recap on her day "Honestly humans have so much capability but they always spoil it I suppose that's why I turned that boy but this is ridiculous" the persons on the call burst out laughing while taking a screenshot of their mother they missed her.

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