Chapter 1

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A/N - This first chapter is extremely short, but that is to introduce the story/plot and idea to you.

A/N 2 - Also completely ignoring the fact that Mark, Derek, and Lexie are dead. Because this is a perfect world where they didn't die.

Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's Anatomy. Although, I wish I did like everyone else here. I only have rights to a few select characters and most of the storyline.



May 21, 2014 - Season 10 finale (by my guesstimate)

May 23, 2014 - The double M's went missing

February 17, 2017 - The story begins. Please pay attention to the dates and times! They're important!


February 17th, 2017 - 9:23 AM

For two years, everyone had been walking on eggshells around Derek Shepherd. Two years since his wife and best friend disappeared. Two years since the floor fell out from underneath him. Two years since the world had last made sense.

The nurses immediately came up with the idea that they had run off together. But as time went on, that theory was proven to be more than unlikely. Meredith wouldn't do that to him, no matter how bad their marriage had gotten. Mark wouldn't do that to him...again. Besides, the man had his own relationship troubles.

Derek liked statistics. He stood by them even if the numbers were not in his favor. They were a truth that no one could deny. However, he didn't know what the statistics were for two surgeons who mysteriously disappeared without a trace almost three years ago.

There was only one person Derek would talk to about Meredith, and a separate person he would talk to about Mark.

Cristina had been offered an entire cardiothoracic program to direct before they went missing. She wanted to stay in hopes of Meredith's return, but Derek convinced her to go and advance her career. Dr. Cristina Yang, Director of cardiothoracic surgery at The Klausman Institute for Medical Research. He was proud of the surgeon and woman she'd become. Once she settled in Zurich, they began a regular routine of phone calls; at least once, if not twice a week. They were each other's support systems.

Addison was the person Derek would talk to when it came to Mark. He was also proud of her for all the things she accomplished since she moved to L.A. Not only in her medical work, but in her personal life. Her dream had finally come true, and now she was a mother. Henry was four now. He called her less frequently than he had Cristina. Sure, they were all still friends, but it didn't stop things from being awkward. Addison did cheat on him with Mark, and that would always hang above their heads.

Deep down, Derek was jealous. Everyone had moved on with their lives, except for him. Even Lexie found a way to move forward. She completed her fellowship, and she's been an attending for over two years now.

Everyone was moving forward, leaving him behind. He was still guilt-ridden. The fight he and Meredith had the night before played over and over again in his head.

"You're being selfish!"

"I have to be Derek because you believe that your career is more important than mine."

"At this moment in time, it is!"

"No, not at this moment, always! You will always be that hotshot surgeon, and I will always be that young intern who fell in love with you."

How could he have not seen it? His career was the highest it could be, and DC seemed like the next step forward. But it wasn't. The truth is, there was no step forward; not career-wise anyway. He would have taken Meredith away from her life, her friends, and her family. If she hadn't disappeared, he would have gone. The thought made him sick, but he reminded himself that he didn't go to DC; he stayed. All it took for him to come to his senses was for Meredith to drop off the face of the earth.

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