Hello there-😈

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It was a beautiful windy evening, when you were walking back to your house after a hectic day at work. You were wearing a stunning floral top along with blue jeans. Your elegant ( hair color) hair was not tied and it flowed freely along with the breezy cold wind. Your mind pondered restlessly over the pending office work that had to be completed within two days.You were also distressed, as your application for your personal leave had been denied by your tyrranic boss.You just wanted to head back home and grab a drink.

You noticed that dark-bellied clouds had started floating over the sky indicating a heavy downpour.The wind began to howl. There was heavy thunder and lightning. Unfortunately, you didn't have an umbrella to protect yourself and you still had to walk two more miles in order reach your home.

Suddenly, you noticed a new ginormous nightclub named ' LUX'  near the spot you were standing. You made up your mind and decided to seek refuge in the building, untill the heavy downpour subsides.

You got inside the humongous nightclub.

It was completely packed with people dancing, drinking, screaming etc. The hard-core party music was too loud for your ears and you just wanted to go to your house and listen to 80's melodies.

"Darling, are you alright? You are completely drenched..." said a man in a soft British accent.

You turned and looked back.

Standing there ,was a tall handsome British man wearing a lovely olive-green three-piece suit, his red pocket square perfectly arranged, his hair combed stylishly and his chocolate-brown eyes along with his infectious smile was definitely a wonderful sight for your fatigue-filled eyes.

He offered you couple of tissues, looking at your soaked clothes.

" Thank you...um.." you said with a small smile and wiped your clothes and hair.

" Allow me to introduce myself, dear. Lucifer...Morningstar." he said with a beautiful smile.

"What about your name, darling?" he asked.

"Y/N" you replied.

"Y/N, you are as lovely as your name, dear." he said with a soft voice.

"Thank you, Lucifer" you responded with a smile.

"Y/N, would you like to grab a drink with me? Only, if you are ok with it, darling." he asked in a polite tone.

You decided to accept his offer as one, you definitely wanted a drink to calm you nerves and two, you wanted to know more about the handsome Lucifer.

" Yeah sure Lucifer...but um...can we sit somewhere quieter...the music here is too loud for my ears... um.....are you ok with it?" you asked hesitantly.

" Sure darling, why not. We can go to my pent-house upstairs and grab a drink. Is that fine, dear?" he asked.

" Yeah ok...Lucifer" you said.

" Lovely" he said with a small smile.

You and Lucifer got inside the elevator. Within a few seconds, the elevator door bell rang and the doors opened revealing Lucifer's dazzling penthouse.

" Wow...Nice place you got here, Lucifer" you said with a sparkle in your eyes.

"Thank you, darling." he said with a glimmering smile.

"Oh forgot! Darling, what's your poison?" he asked.

"( Drink name)" you replied.

" Oh! My choice of poison is same as your's , darling. What a coincidence!" he said in an excited tone.

You giggled.

Lucifer directed his hand towards his Italian couch.After you both seated your selves comfortably, Lucifer started the conversation.

"So Y/N, do you work somewhere? Your beautiful eyes look drained out due to ...uhm...I don't know..excess work,perhaps?" he raised a question.

"Correct guess, Lucifer" you said.

Your explained  how hectic your work was and also expressed how frustrated you were as your application for your personal leave had been denied by your arrogant boss.

"Oh, dearie me! That sounds so awful, darling. I really can't understand why that bastard wouldn't grant you a personal leave and torture a lovely efficient woman like you ." Lucifer sighed.

"It's alright, Lucifer. I am planning to finish my pending work and I am quitting this job, for good.I have to start looking for job opportunities and I don't know whether any companies would hire me." you said in a sad tone.

" Darling, I think, I might be able to help you. My nightclub needs an account manager and your work profile fits this job. I would really love to hand over this job to a dynamic young lady like you.You can think about it and let me know if you are happy about it." Lucifer smiled.

You really couldn't decline Lucifer's job offer as one, it was a golden opportunity for you to build-up your accounting career and two, it was certainly better than your current job and three, you were unsure whether any company would hire you and four, you really enjoyed Lucifer's company and looked forward to meet him again.

" Lucifer, I have made up my mind. I am willing to take over this job wholeheartedly." you smiled confidently.

" Lovely. You can join here day after tomorrow, darling." Lucifer said.

"Thanks a lot Lucifer. This job really means a lot to me" you said with a smile and involuntarily,  you placed a small kiss on Lucifer's tender cheek.

"Oh...um...I am...sorry..Lucifer..I shouldn't have ....um..done that" you said in an embarrassed tone.

Lucifer blushed and said " No problem, darling. I should actually be the one thanking you for accepting my offer."

You didn't realise how time moved quickly. The heavy downpour had subsided. The night sky was clear and filled with a multitude of twinkling stars.

" Lucifer, I think it's time for me to head back home. The rain has subsided. Thanks again for handing me this job and I really enjoyed your company." you said and blushed.

" Same here Y/N. Looking forward to meet you day after tomorrow, dear" he blushed and ran his fingers through his hair.

" Darling, do you want me to give you a drive back to your home " Lucifer asked.

" No, thank you Lucifer .I'll walk back" you said.

" Goodbye and goodnight, Lucifer." you smiled.

" Goodbye and goodnight Y/N. Take care darling." Lucifer smiled.

You went back to your home and took a bath to rejuvenate yourself. You were feeling very tired as well as happy. You laid down on your bed and thought about how nature had  changed your current drastic work situation by providing a window to meet Lucifer. You were also happy that you connected with someone, after many years, with whom you could share your  feelings and problems.

On the other hand, Lucifer laid on his bed and thought about the wonderful meeting between you and Lucifer.


Hello lovely readers,
                      Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my X reader oneshots. Feel free to drop requests for X reader scenarios. If you spot any grammatical or spelling errors, let me know in the comment section. Love you all a lot...🥰🥰.

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/ evening/night.

Stay happy, Stay healthy.


Y/N's Handsome Devil - Lucifer Morningstar X reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now