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Rain hammered down on the windows as I sat in the manour Grell by my side as I stared out the window. I sighed and sat back in my chair as grell put a cup of tea next to me. "M-madam y-you should drink s-something..." I sighed as grell flinched and walked over to the window looking out at the misserable night drenched in rain, the occasional flicker of lightning ringging in the sky as I gazed out I noticed a figure in a deep red hooded cloak heading toward the mansion clutching something close to their chest.

"G-grell! quikly there's someone outside! don't just stand there!" I yelled as I ran downstairs toward the door opening it to see a figure all in red stood there hood pulled over their face as they looked down. "Grell get some towels!" I yelled as I helped the figure inside. I sat her down in a chair as she still held the item close to her chest. "thankyou..." they said their voice was more of a whisper, like it was wind or a breeze. "are you alright? what are you doing outside in this awfull weather?" I said as I pulled down her hood revealing a beautiful sight.

As I pulled down her hood long white hair fell down her arms it was pure white like a new bed sheet so soft looking and delicate almost angelic, but what mesmorised me most were her eyes... her bright white eyes like snow. "I-I'm running. we had to get away t-they were going to kill us... they said we must go to hell." she said again clutching her item close to her chest I wrapped her in a hug "don't worry your safe here... no one can hurt you... er..." I said as she smiled at me. All of her, her lips, her skin, hair even her eyes white. "Bianco...thankyou miss... but I need you to take care of her. you see they got me." she said as she opened her cloak.

I looked at her my eyes wide as I stared a the huge amount of red consuming her white dress. I looked up at her as tears began to fall down her face a she clung even tighter to the little item in her arms. "P-please... take care of her... she needs a mother... affter he hurt me I had to run you see, and he would of hurt her if I hadn't run away s-so please take-" before she could finish sheclutched her wound in pain as I lay her down. "p-please..." she said smiling at me handing the item wrapped in red to me and stroked my face "affter all... it is your wish..." and before I could question her she lay still.

She was still smiling as her final tear slid down her face and she took her last breath as grell just stood there looking at her "what did she mean... it's my wish?" I said my voice shaking as I looked at the red bundle in my hands. I shakily liffted the red cloth up and off the item. I couldn't move. I just stood there staring at the item in my arms "madam? w-what's that?" grell asked looking at me as I wanted to speek but the words just couldn't come out my mouth. "s-she gave me her... her daughter." I said looking down at the sleeping girl in my arms.

As grell came over he looked at the little girl in my arms "t-thats her daughter!" he said as he looked down at her again. was this realy her daughter? the girl in my arms was compleatly differn't from her mother she was... her hair and eyes weren't white they were "scarlet." grell said as I held the little girl closer to me "what?" I looked at him confused "her name I think it would suit her... don't you?" he said as I looked down at the little girl who was smiling and cooing at me making me grin. "yes... well hello there little Scarlet, I'm your new mother..." I said as I held her close to me.

I knew right from that moment she was going to be the most precious thing in my life.

We burried her real mother in the back garden and lay white roses there red stained the memories of her. As scarlet grew older I never let her out of the house. I didn't want her to get hurt, I loved her and despite her hair and eyes being as red as her name she looked just like her mother. "mother... why can't I go outside?" she said pointing to the window as I laughed "of course you can go outside! just only in the back garden." I said sitting her on my lap "but even then you only let me go on the patio why can't I go to the back of the garden?" she said looking at me.

"It's dangerous out there... there are crule people out there darling I don't want you hurt." I said as she smiled and nodded. "now go see if Grell wants to play!" and with that she left. the only people who had seen her other than grell and myself my beloved sister. My sister had only seen her by acident she wasn't ment to know no one else was. I needed to protect her from whatever got her mother. She was my child now, and I needed to protect her at all costs. which is why I never wanted her to know about what I did.

I came home coated in blood, I had expected her to be in bed asleep like I had said but she was there standing at the door when she saw me. she was only seven when she saw me for the first time like that. I had expected her to scream to run and hide but she just came and huged me. "I love you mother..." she said as I broke down in tears she smiled at me "they needed to be punished. they killed inocent boys and girls didn't they?" she said as grell smiled at her "yes... well done little scarlet, your mummy is a good girl" he said as I looked at her inocent face "that's why I love you mother... I'll always love you." she said.

Thats why I couldn't kill ciel. I would be just as bad as those other women those whores.

no matter if the world turned on me... Scarlet would always love me. My daughter... my little girl my only wish... the only good thing I have done in my life. My beloved little scarlet. I looked at the sky as I slowly began to die I saw the white lady come to me holding out her hand. I had no regrets. even leaving ciel there as long as Scarlet was there... he would find her and he can protect her from him.

but why... was the thing I loved most coated in the colour I hated most.

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