Scarlet Dalles

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I smiled as I walked around the manor. I held my dress and started dancing in the corridors as I ran to the stairs and slid down the banister laughing when I fell on my butt. "L-lady Scarlet! please behave yourself! your mother comes back with grell today!" Nancy my personal maid came running down the stairs frowning at me as I stood up dusting off my dress. "that's exactly why I'm happy!" I said as I danced around the rooms Nancy following my every move, "Miss your 18 now! you should be more mature!" Nancy said running behind me.

I smirked and stuck out my tongue at her "like hell I'm going to act my age!" I said as Nancy gasped "you should never use such language!" she said pulling on my plaits as I slapped her hand away. "well men use that language all the time! and they say other things too~" I said as she pinched my cheek "you have such a vulgar mouth Scarlet Dalles! what would your mother say!" she said as I held her wrists "mummy would laugh!" I said smirking as Nancy blushed. "and you like it when I say 'vulgar things' don't deny it! it makes you laugh." I said as her face went even more red.

"you're a mess... how do I deal with you." she said pulling her wrists away. I sat on the window sill as Nancy tidied some cushions away "Nancy... tell me about them..." she sighed and frowned at me "men.. you've asked before and I told you they're weak and easy to manipulate." she said as I walked over to her and leaned on her back "like servants..." I said smirking as she blushed and slipped to the side causing me to fall on to the chair. "no... like children." she said pointing at me. "well that makes no sense you just told me I'm a adult~" I said as she huffed and walked into the kitchen.

"Nancy~" I said as I popped my head round the door seeing a rather annoyed Nancy scowling at a carrot. deciding I wanted to mess with her again I creeped my hands around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder I felt her flinched and smirked as I whispered "when will mummy be home?~" Nancy dropped the knife and shifted back causing me to fall on my butt as she spun round "any minute!" she said running off leaving me on the floor as I yelled after her "thanks for leaving me!" I yelled as I ran down the corridors.

"Nancy! you better-" I stopped as I saw a man stood in the doorway all in black "who are you?" Nancy said as I hid behind a wall. mother had said about letting people see me she said that I need to keep myself hidden for my own protection. "I'm here to deliver the message of the passing of mrs Angelina Dalles, her funeral will take place tomorrow." I felt my world break in to a million pieces "I also have a message for a miss Scarlet, is she present?" "no-" I stormed down the hall causing Nancy to stare at me. "what are you on about sir? Scarlet disappeared 18 years ago. but for family matters I shall take that letter." I said the letter out his hand and slamming the door in his face.

I scowled at the door and looked at the envelope in my hands and ran to the study to open it. "my lady!" nancy shouted opening the door as I began to laugh and laugh. "ha!ha!ha! LOOK! HOW STUPID AM I! I-I CAN'T EVEN OPEN A STUPID L-LETTER FROM MY M-MOTHER! NANCY HAY NANCY! LOOK HOW STUPID I AM!" I yelled waving the letter in her face a crazed look on my own as she shifted back in fear "S-scarlet please... let me." she said as I calmed myself down and handed her the letter "read it." I said as she nodded.

"dear my beloved Scarlet,

I wanted to see you one last time, but I guess I couldn't... how stupid of me. I want you to come out the manor to my funeral but you must keep yourself hidden. I want to keep you safe as your mother. when you go make sure you aren't seen by the boy in blue I told you about. he will try to take you away from the manor he can't do that. not yet. when the time comes he will go to you understood. now be a good girl and become the young Lady Dalles I dreamed you would become. I want you to take my place as a lady of class but that doesn't mean you still can't have fun~ just remember I love you in life as much as death my little Scarlet.

your dear Mother."

I smile and head in to my mother's room nancy following close behind. "my lady?" I ignore Nancy and pull out a box labeled 'my final hour' Nancy looks at the box in confusion as I pull out a Red dress and black cloak "Nancy~ help me put this on... I want to see if the dress fits for tomorrow." I said as Nancy nodded and helped me in to the dress as I looked at myself in to the dress I walked down to the stairs to see a man all in red stood down at the bottom "hello there Grell~" I said walking the steps as he bowed and looked at me nervously as I raised my hand and slapped him across the face "your not fit to wear red." I said as he clutched his cheek and walked away.

"get off my property. I don't want you any where near me." I said as he walked away. I need to know who exactly is the boy in blue and how did that man know about me? what has been going on outside these walls? I wish I could ask mother... hell I wish I could hold her close again chat with her try on dresses while she complimented my figure. I missed her... I want her back. "Nancy... I want the finest roses prepared for my mother. understood?" I said turning to her as she nodded and walked off. I walked down the hall tears in my eyes as I went in to my room and on to the balcony.

I looked at the letter I received again and frowned, I'm sorry mother... I need to pay him a visit. Walking out my room I looked at Nancy as she came back to the room "Madame? are you okay?" She said as I nodded and looked at her "Nancy... from now on I order you to only wear black. Understood?" she looked at me confused "Why?" she asked as I came toward her tilting her head up with my finger. "because it suits you~ I like to see you in black." I said as she blushed and ran to change. I think I'll have fun playing games with him for a while.

"Nancy! You're taking to long to change!" I said walking in on her as she let out a high pitched scream. "Miss! y-you can't just barge in on me!" she wailed as my eyes gazed over her pale small frame. "It's okay we're both girls... and besides you know I don't like being alone." I said as she looked at me pityingly. "Don't you dare... I hate when people look at me with pity and you know it." I said looking down at the ground. She slipped into the dress and walked over to me. "I'm truly sorry Scarlet... forgive me." she said resting her head on my lap as I smirked at her. "You're forgiven... my pet." I said as she clutched my dress.

"Nancy... you'd do anything I asked right?" I said as she nodded. "never go against anything I say." I said as she wrapped her arms around my waist "yes my lady." such a strange woman... as soon as she found out about my mother's death she's been so open about her attachment to me... but I guess that's why mother kept me inside... to be safe from disgusting learing eyes.

"what's this plan Scarlet?" she asked as I sat in the padded chair hair out in long curls my dress fanned around me as I sat in the carriage. Nancy in black with a veil draped over her face. I smiled looking out the window as I played with my hair. "First we need him to see us... then you'll see," I said as she nodded. As we came to a stop I stepped out and walked up through the graveyard Nancy following behind. "everyone should be finishing the ceremony soon and that means I won't see her again." I said as I saw a man in gray waving at me. "You must be scarlet yes?" he said as I nodded and followed him to a door at the back of the church. "people are making their way outside right now... the church is empty." He said as I walked in to see the coffin at the altar a red dress draping over the side.

"White looks so bland on her... this red... it suits her best." I said caressing her cheek as I smiled. "I love you mum." I said taking the rosary from her hands and placing it round my neck. "I'll always keep you with me." I said walking away up to where everyone was gathered hiding behind a tree as Nancy stood next to the butler in black.

"finally... I can start my plan."

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