Chapter 16

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Warning: Description of a panic attack


Everything was peaceful.

Virgil laid down on the cool grass as twilight dyed the sky different colors. A soft breeze brushed the grass against his face, and he leaned into it, smelling the refreshing air.

Then he felt a strong hand slide into his own. He turned, taking in a sharp breath as he saw the prince laying beside him.

Roman wore his signature charming smile, a smile Virgil used to despise, then was annoyed by, and now secretly craved. And for some reason, right now, Roman was smiling at him. Slowly, Virgil interlaced their fingers and leaned in closer.

"Virgil." Roman spoke, and his heart melted at the sound of his musical voice. "May I have this dance?"

"What?" Virgil replied, slightly confused until he realized where he was. People waltzed around in fancy gowns and silk tuxedos as the orchestra played. Roman himself was wearing a handsome white suit with a single red rose in his breast pocket. His hand extended to Virgil, who looked down at his own identical white suit.

"Are you going to keep me waiting?" Roman joked, and Virgil laughed as he shook off his hesitation. Here, in a crowd of thousands, he somehow felt safe.

They danced for what felt like hours, and still they never tired. Virgil could keep spinning forever if that meant Roman's hand wouldn't leave his waist.

"Roman.." He heard himself say, "Roman, I lov-"

A sudden shove sent Virgil sprawling onto the floor. Another couple had stepped too close and knocked into them. Virgil oriented himself and looked up. A woman stood there above him, looking apologetic. She seemed like she was about to say something, but gasped and took a step back. Confused, Virgil looked to his right, and the people there also gasped and stepped away from him.

"Wh-what's wrong?" He asked as the people all turned to him, terrified. Looking down, he caught his reflection in the gleaming marble floor. Glowing green eyes stared back up at him.

He yelped and got to his feet, and looked to the crowd again.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

As he moved his arm, green flames shot out towards the people, sending them running and screaming. He quickly pulled his hand to his chest in horror.

A sharp pain erupted at his temples, as if someone was drilling into his head. His hands instinctively went to his forehead, inadvertently shooting more green flames around the ballroom as they moved. Once there, his palms met two pointed protrusions rising out of his skull. They grew longer and longer, twisting into dark horns.

He doubled over as his body rapidly changed. His teeth grew bigger and sharper, pushing his jaw forward and drawing blood from his tongue. Dark scales formed all over his body, starting on his arms and legs then spreading everywhere. His knuckles cracked as his fingers transformed into talons, his fingernails growing into sharp, grotesque claws. The white suit ripped apart as his spine tore through his back, leathery wings stretching out wildly.

He tried to scream for help, but all that came out were the flames that scorched through his open maw. He tried to move, but his long, spiny tail would threaten to cut through the crowd like a blade. All he could do was watch helplessly as the people around him became smaller and smaller. They all screamed bloody murder at the monster before them.

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