Chapter Four

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(Bailey holding the baby ^^)

(Bailey's POV)

A few days after i sang, i eventually started singing for the others with Beth too, we would sing if were watching the kids,Me and Glenn or Dad have been spending time together since he ask me to be a 'Rhee' whick turn my name into "Bailey Miles Rhee" i love it, now im just standing near Adds and Beth, i was holding Ace as Beth holds Judith nad Addy and her talk, i was watching Ace falling asleep at my arms when someone called my name "Bailey," i turn and saw Rick, he ask "Can i talk to you for a Minute?," i nodded slightly confuse, i handed Adds Ace as i grab my M16 place it on my back and walk to Rick, Both of us walk outside of the Cell block, i saw Hershel at the yard planting and Carol with Axel talking few blocks away from us, Rick ask "If your wondering why i call you here, i just wanna ask some questions," i nodded understanding, "What do you feel about bieng with us?," i answered looking straight ahead, "first i was nervous, when i met you, but after these days i felt....welcome, like i have a family again," i felt him nodded, he ask "You said you met Addison from your last camp, how did you guys separated?," i sign look down and said "They ah....they left me," i look at Rick he look taken back from my answer i continue, "They left me after i woke uo, they left me with my stuff, and few Water and foods,dont tell Adds i think she thinks i forget." He nodded place a hand on my shoulder, Beth came out with Carl and Addy and said "Sorry kid," i nodded, then suddenly Axel was shot in the head and fall, Carol screamed and fall next to Axel taking cover, Me and Rick ran into a table flip it, and hide, i took off my Gun and started shooting, i killed 3 people at once, and hide, Maggie came with 4 guns, she ran into Beth, Adds and Carl's table, she gave Adds and Beth rifles and ran into another place she fires and yell at Carol she cover her as Carol ran into Maggie's side, Maggie gave her the other gun as Carol join the shooting, i fire again killed another 2, the Governor notice me and started shooting at my way, i quickly hide as Rick fires The Governor giving me time to shot i eventually hits his arm as they droves away, i look over the table not fully standing up, i saw a guy with sniper, i slowly held out my gun, but a walker appeard behind him, the man shot somewhere as the Z began eating him, i heard Beth screamed i ran to them and saw Addy in her arms trying to stay awake, i gasp and crouch next to her, "Addy, Stay with me okay?, Stay with me," Addy nodded slowly as her eyes starting to close i call he name but stop my self when i heard an engine, a car appeard destroying the gates, and stop, the trunk if the car open as bunch of walkers got out of it, the car droves away i suddenly remember Hershel was out in the yards, i went to a car when Dad stop me and said "Go to Addy!, ill help Hershel," i nodded and ran full speed onto Addy, she passed out as alot of blood comes out of her shoulder, im glad she was hit on the shoulder not in the heart, i pick her up and walk into the cells, i said "Beth, grab some towel, Maggie water, Carl some bandages," they walk away looking for the stuff i place Addy on one of the Table, in the Cafateria, Carol runs in as Beth gave me some towels, i fold it and place it on Addy's wound, Carol ran to me and take over, i was breathing heavingly, i gulp as i heard Ace cried, Beth walk up to me and said "Ill take care of him, stay with Addy," i nodded at her silently thanking her, Hershel came in and take over, Mafgie gave him his supplies he said he'll do the surgery since she's passed out, luckly the bullet didnt go far, but she still lose a lot of blood, Hershel said "She needs bloods," i ask "What blood type does she have?" Beth answer from the upper cells "Type A" i nodded "she has the same with mine, take it" he nodded and ask Maggie to gave him his other supplies, Carl brings a chair as i sat down infront of Hershel, Rick gently carry Addy into her cell, Hershel started getting blood from me, when he was done he place a cotton above my skin, as i stood up, but stumble a bit, Dad ran into my side and hold ke, "Hey, Easy there," i nodded in his chest, as he led me to Addy's cell, i went in she was sleeping, i sat on a chair beside her and Rick handcuff her incase but hand me the keys, i sign and just watch her, it was night already, I was still in the chair staring at Addy's uncontioc body, i rub my face, as someone came in i look at the door and saw Beth with a plate full of foods, she said "I thought you'll be hungry," i nodded taking the food and said "Thank you," she nodded and said "After you eat you should go to bed," i sign and said "Ill try," she nodded "Ill look at Acey for Addy," i nodded "Thank you," she smiles at me, kissed my forehead and walk ouside, i eat half of the food, and place it on a drawer, i watch Addy.

A Few hours later i was still in the chair looking at Addy, Dad came in few hours ago, asking me to sleep but gave up when i said i cant, it was like 2 am, i sign and look around her room, she have pictures in her drawers, her guitar at the upper bunk, a mirror next to the drawer, i thought for a second, i took her guitar and softly struming,


i can be anything i dream,
Little lights for me for me,
i light up the whole world
ill be shining so bright,
Anything is possible when
I into my heart,

im a Shooting Star,


i wipe a tear that escape form my eye as i place the guitar back form the upper buck, i sat again and place a hand to Addy's other hand, i look at the white sheet, then i felt her fingers move a bit i look at her wide eyes, as open her eyes, i smiled at her, wiping my tears away uncuffing her hand, she smile at me and said "B-Bailey," i nodded caresing her cheek, "Shh im here, im here Adds," she nodded weakly, i said "Your awake," she ask "How long was i out?" I answerd "Almost a day, its 2:30 am" she look at me and said"You should sleep," i sign and said "I cant," Addy sign and said "Im fine, im awake now," i nodded grabing a pillow from the upper bunk position myself on the chair, Addy insit me to skeep at the upper bunk or next to her i declined, i my legs were next the her legs we were facing the door which was closed she place a hand above my hand and said "sleep," i nodded, close my eyes and evntually sleep. Her following after.

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