Part 8|The Reunion.

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A/N: Before we get started I would like to express my condolences to all the families who lost loved ones in the shooting this week and as well to the community of Boulder. We need gun control now.

POV: Lexa

Location: North Hall Meeting Room, Bardo

She looked over at Madi who was hiding under the long table and put her finger up to her lips signaling her to be quiet.

"Lexa," Madi called "I'm scared!"

Lexa looked back to Madi.

"It's okay kid I promised you that I would protect you, and I'm not one who falls short on a promise," she said with a reassuring smile to Madi in hopes that it would ease her fear.

Lexa pulled out one of the swords on her back and stood to the left of the door to the room.

Her plan was that once the guards would come in that she could attack them from behind.

She mentally prepared herself for the battle
that was about to commence.

'This is it' she thought.

This is the moment she was waiting for, she didn't know how she knew this... but she just did.

She smiled when she remembered what Costia had told her while they were in the City of Light.

"You will meet her again, I know it."

"Thank you Cos, for everything," she whispered out.

She let out a sharp exhale and put on her "Heda" face as Clarke liked to call it.

With the hand not holding the sword she quickly pushed the barricade over and it landed on the floor with a giant bang.

"This is it," she whispered again.

It took not even 10 seconds before the door came bursting into the room.

Lexa waited for the first of the guards to come in... only they didn't look like any of the previous guards.

When the first person entered they took off their helmet and threw it carelessly onto the ground before entering even more.

Once the person was fully inside she took in their appearance.

It was a woman with dark skin and hair buzzed. She carried a sword which was very unusual considering that all of the other guards Lexa had seen had guns.

She was about to attack them when she noticed that this woman was followed in quick succession by three more people. However, these three did not take of their helmets.

She guessed that based off the build and the height of these other people that it was two women and a man.

She was surprised when one last person came into the room.

Like the first she took her helmet off... but this time Lexa took in another moment to take in the features of her backside.

Her short blond hair stretching just about to where her neck meets her shoulders.

She wore a black leather jacket, with a blue shirt poking out just beneath the length of the coat, dark jeans and jet black boots that reached all the way up to her knees.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Madi start to come out from underneath the table.

Her heart began to drop as she realized what Madi was doing.

She was about run to her until she heard Madi call out a name.

"Clarke!" Madi yelled as she took off and ran towards the woman with the blonde hair.

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