Chapter 7

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(Raito pov)
I sighed as I walked down the boring hallways, looking for someone to annoy ,when I stopped at a door, and listened to someone talking...
"Hai,hai, I gave them the info and the sakumaki's aren't the least bit suspicious, they just though I was saying bye to my friend"

It was minami seemed like she was on her phone

'Hmmm~ I wonder what that's about?" I thought

"Hey, minami-chan" I said and walked in
She snapped her phone shut, hanging up on the person.
"Oh, it's you" she sighed in relief
"Who else would it be?" I asked
"Huh?, oh, no, I was just saying in general, it's better than Ayato or something" she said

"Who were you talking to minami-chan?" I asked
"Oh um, my friend" she said with a fake smile
"You seem to have a lot of friends, even thou you just started school the other day" I said suspiciously

"Heh heh, yeah" she giggled
"What are you hiding?~" I asked
"NOTHING!!" She yelled and pushed me out of the room

"There is definitely some thing going on here~" I thought

(Minami pov) ---next day (night)

"AHHH, I actually can't wait for school today!" Minami said cheerfully as they were all driven to school

"Why's that~ Minami-chan?" Raito asked whith a knowing smile.
"You know you talk A LOT, Raito" I said glaring at him

"Hmmm, what's with the cold look" Raito said sadly
"Hmph" I turned my head

"Shuu~I'm bored, can I..."'I said trying to get one of shuu's ear phones
Shuu brushed my hand away.
"What" he said

"Eeehh, what are with you guys, is it seriously always this quiet. I know you guys don't get along to well but SERIOUSLY" I complained and none of them answered.


"Yuuuuuma" I shouted and ran over to him
"Shut up, don't shout" he shouted
"Did you bring any carrots...?"I asked looking around to make sure no one was around.
"No!, none of them were ready yet so I these" yuma said proudly and gave me a paper bag
"What's this?..." I asked suspiciously while opening bag.
"Oooohhhh, PEACHES!!??" I shouted and picked one up

"W-what the hell?!, why are you glaring at it?" Yuma shouted
"You shout a lot, you know that" I said
"What ever"
I was about to take a bite out of the peach when it was taken out of my hand

"HEY?!" I shouted and looked up
"Mmmmn~" a boy with blond curly hair, that I saw before was eating the peach he stole from me

"HEY KOU, SHE WAS ABOUT TO EAT THAT!!" Yuma shouted childishly and stood up
"Yeah I was about to eat that, KOU!" I shouted and glared at him.
"Haaa, sorry, here" Kou threw the half eaten peach at me whilst I pouted

"So your Minami Sakamaki?" Kou asked
"Quit pouting ,there's more in the bag"Yuma said
"Yeah but I picked up that peach because it looked the sweetest" I said

Then Ruki appeared
"Did you give the rest of the information to Yuma?" Ruki asked
"H-huh, oh ...right" I said and got the paper from my bag
"....why were you even with yuma if you forgot about the information..." Azusa said as he appeared next to Ruki

"Uncle karlhenz told me to give this to you, so that's what I'm doing, but he never said I couldn't tell the Sakamaki's so they can try and stop you...but I won't! "I said with an evil smiles d stood up
"Well back to the underworld, I guess" I said with a fake smile

"What, your going, I thought you were going us get Yui" yuma said
", I was just meant to give you all the stuff to help you...BUT...if yuma senpai wants me to help I will" I said with a big smile and hugged yuma
"Hey get off me" Yuma said and started hitting me on the head
"Hey, someone help, she won't let go of me!" Yuma shouted saw everyone else sweat dropped

"My, my, so Minami-chan does like stalker~" A farmiliar voice said
"Yuma senpai ISENT a stalker or a pervert, Raito" I said and unhugged yuma (deal with it😞)
"Well.." Kou said with a sweat drop
Raito then appeared behind Minami

"So you do like him~" Raito giggled grabbing my shoulders
"I NEVER SAID-...uh...oh..." I stopped and started kicking Raito
"Oww~ anyway you shouldn't be around these people their perverts" Raito said dragging me away

"Wait! I didn't get to eat the peach, NOOOOO~" I shouted s I was dragged away
Thanks for reading you fabulous sugoi-chan!!😋
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~hope you loved that fab picture of raito

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