Chapter 13

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(Yui pov)

As I wondered in the makumi garden my head started to throb along with my heart and I fell to the ground(that happened fast😂)
Huh? But I've ....I've all ready had this vision before....why again?...
Codelia pushed little Ayato in to the lake and stood with Ritchard and continued kissing him while Ayato struggled to stay afloat.
I stood there expecting for it to change to another Sene.
"Ayato?" A voice of a little girl called
Then a little girl came out from the bush next to me, she had long brown hair in two pigtails going over her shoulders' ,big brown eyes and a white dress.
"Aya-" she stopped and her eyes widened as she saw Ayato struggling In the water
"AYTAO?!" She gasped
"M-Minami" he choked,flailing his arms around
Minami knelt down to the ground and held out her hand almost falling over the edge of the grass.
"Quick grab my hand, Ayato" Minami said steching her arm as far as she could.
"Minami ,leave him" codelia said her with a cold ,bitter voice
"Huh?" Little Minami just noticed codelia and Ritchard
"B-but?!" Minami stuttered
"Minami" Ritchard cut in
"Daddy..." Minami looked at Ayato who had already fallen under the water.
-----there was a white fade---
I reapred in the garden where I had once saw the triplets playing.
"Minami why are you always here, does that mean uncle's also here?" Kanato asked kinda annoyed
"Hmm, I wonder were they are?" Raito said wondering off
---another other white fade--

Minami was in a room and codelia was standing at the door with a key.
"Now stay here" codelia said Turing her back
"But m-" minami's was cut off
"Shhh" cordial is hissed and shut the door with a click.
Minami jumped up from the ground and walked over to the door.she rattled the door nob but it didn't open.
She took the hair clip(bobbi pin) from her hair and opens the door with it, she giggled and opened the door .

Minami wondered down the hallway when she walked passed a door slightly open, she didn't take much notice.
"Mmmmnn ahhhh Ritchard RITCHARD" the moaning of codelia came from the room.
"Huh?" Minami opened the door
"Mother stoooop" raito was on the ground almost crying.
"Minami leave!" Codelia hissed
Minami stood still shaking, she squeezed her eyes shut.
---in the middle of the sene there was a white fade--
"M neko chan, wake up"
My eyes open to see kou was holding me up.
"Huh? But what happened to Minami?" I asked, sadly
"She left ages ago"
Yeah so that's it
hope you like it o(`ω' )o
And the picture of course
This one is one of my favourite chapters so I hope you liked it to
Sorry, it got a Sexual there(・_・;
Any way for now
Minami out ---( '▽`)

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