I fell in love with Armin when I first saw him in season 1🙄

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    The next morning Oikawa woke up to his dog farting (Oikawa has a dog, fight me) it smelled like Peaches's pussy. Then his dog shit on the floor. A nice luscious shit.

    "Oh Iwaoi, (Oikawa named it him and Iwaizumi's ship name) we went over this, you have to stop pooping on the floor." Oikawa got up and started cleaning up the caca

    "Oikawa, it smells bad in here, did you fart or something?" Iwaizumi got up and plugged his nose with his fingers

    "No I didn't," Toru rolled his eyes "it was Iwaoi, he pooped on the floor"

    "Seriously?! And on my carpet, I wish I never agreed to puppusit him"

    "Whatever, help me clean it up" Oikawa said

    "No, do it yourself, it smells bad"

    "Well obviously it does" Oikawa rolled his eyes again, it was getting annoying

    After cleaning up Iwaoi's smelly ass shit. The couple went down stairs to eat breakfast.

    "Hey Iwa-chan, you better eat up we are going against Kurasano" Oikawa started

    "Yea, I know that"

    The Sejoh (idk how to spell it) team got onto the bus as they headed to Kurasano. Oikawa still had a bruise on his cheek but covered it with makeup like the faggot he is. (Guys don't cancel me, I'm bisexual) Oikawa was really horny, he wanted to be railed so badly but he didn't know how to tell Iwaizumi.  

    The team finally got to Kurasano and their the team and the hot setter Kageyama were practicing inside the gym. Seijoh walked inside as Kurasano stared at them. Oikawa smelled like shit because he picked up Iwaoi's caca. Hinata made a face at him.

    "What's with the face?" Oikawa asked

    "You smell like poop" Hinata spat out

    Kageyama hit him in the back of the head. All though he wanted to smack Hinata's juicy fat ass. Oikawa rolled his eyes and got into position to play. The practice match started. A few minutes later Kiyoko, Yachi and Peppa walked in. The teams were taking a break, but Hinata wouldn't shut the fuck up about a rematch. Oikawa stared at Peppa, she was so beautiful. Oikawa fell in lovez but he remembered about Iwaizumi and his love for him. But when he took a second look at Peppa, he couldn't take his eyes off of her, he wanted Peppa so badly, it made him feel even hornier.

    Peppa thought the same thing about Oikawa, he was pretty, polite, gentle and smart, and he smelled like shit, Peppa was kinky, she wanted to be railed by him. Peppa walked up to Oikawa and kissed him, everyone froze as well as Toru. He was so happy, but felt guilty, he figured he'd deal with Peppa later. Oikawa pushed her away and said;

    "That was rude, I'll have to teach you a lesson later~" Oikawa whispered in Peppa's ear

    Peppa shivered and as she said "okay, daddy" and walked away. Nobody noticed that they whispered something to eachother. Everyone was still frozen in shock. Tsukishima stood their with a disgusted look on his face as he slowly picked up a volleyball and threw it across the gym, and onto Oikawa's face. The ball hit hard and everyone started laughing. Them they all started talking at once, all except for Iwaizumi who had left a while ago when Peppa kissed Toru.

    Oikawa still wanted to rail Peppa Pig

    (AN, if you're reading this rn, wtf is wrong with you?! Jkjk I'm the one who wrote this, anyway do you guys want a smut chapter? If you don't answer I'll just write it, so please comment)

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