The breakup😔💔

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     Oikawa froze as he saw Iwaizumi standing infront of him in shock.

    "O-oikawa, I didn't think you'd d-do this to m-me" tears started streaming down his face

     Oikawa didn't know what to say. He couldn't deny that he cheated either since Iwa saw Peppa run out of the restroom and Oikawa cleaning up cum. Oikawa felt his heart drop. He loved Iwaizumi but Peppa was just so hot and she did it so good, Peppa also seemed like a nice girl. Oikawa can't resist her.

    "I-im sorry Iwaizumi, I never ment for this to happen or things to end this way." Oikawa hung his head down to the floor

    "I'm breaking up with you. I didn't deserve that. Goodbye Oikawa" Iwaizumi ran out of the restroom and out of the gym. He was heart broken. Oikawa walked out of the restroom to see everyone had left already all except for Peppa. Oikawa went to go talk to her.

    "Hey Peppa, Iwaizumi just broke up with me. So do you want to be my girlfriend?" Oikawa asked hopefully

    Peppa was so happy she obviously excepted. They went on a date to Ukai's store to get some food. They had so much fun then it was time to go home.

    Oikawa hugged Peppa goodbye as he got onto the bus to go home. He was so tired.

    Oikawa walked into his house. His parents were still not home. He decided to call them later he wanted to nap. Oikawa shut his eyes as he drifted off to sleep. At midnight he heard footsteps coming closer to his door. Toru figured it was just his parents but when the door opened a dark figure holding a scythe stood at his door. Oikawa tried to scream but before he could the figure held his mouth closed. He finally noticed it was Iwaizumi, he felt relived untill Iwa-chan said these words.

    "I'm here to kill you.....babe" and at that very moment Iwa-chan stabbed him with his scythe and let Oikawa bleed to death on his bed along with Iwaoi who Iwaizumi murdered too. Iwaizumi ran out of the house and grabbed his luggage then he went to the airport and moved to a different country. Nobody would figure out it was him.

    A couple weeks later Peppa found out Oikawa was dead and she cried her eyes out. She cried so hard she had a orgasm. She would never be able to have Oikawa's massive cock inside her again. She was heart broken. So was Seijoh, heart broken that Oikawa was dead and that Iwaizumi moved because he "couldn't handle his heart break of Oikawa dumping him"

    Everyone eventually moved on a couple months later and lived their normal lives. Besides Iwaizumi who was now plotting to murder Peppa Pig.

    He wanted revenge.

    (AN, hey guys sorry I didn't update, my dad took my phone away and I was still recovering from the 🍋 chapter) 

Oikawa x Peppa Pig- A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now