A Jeep Wrangler almost ran over several people as it passed the entrance sign. Ascot Hospital for Mental Illness it bore, in stark bold print that was impossible to miss. That car passed this sign every second Sunday, each time with reckless abandon. It swerved and pulled to a halt. A slight girl, much too small to drive such a buff car, flung herself from the driver’s side and locked it in one fluid motion. She gritted her teeth as she marched to the security check. They’d ask her for details, which she’d give verbally. Title, name, age, they’d ask. Height, eye colour, mental stability. That last one always freaked her out. Why should they know how stable she is? Miss Rubie Saskia Young, she’d say. Seventeen and four months. Five feet five, green. Okay. She frowned at the guards until they finished. Her stepmother was waiting for her, cowering against a wall, and Rubie beckoned for her to join her. Rubie didn't stop, she never did. But as the doors opened, her sneer shed and her face became a mask.
A/N this is my second story and also my favourite, Thankyou for reading, please keep doing so and enjoy :) Thanks guys!