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"MR. Andrew! I present to you Miss Margret Winds" In front of Andrew stood a really gorgeous and elegantly dressed in Prada a young maiden, with dirty blond hair and green eyes, cute chubby cheeks which became more evident with her beautiful and bright smile. She wasn't the petite type, she had a powerful aura around her and the tall and fit body showed she was into some rigorous sports and martial arts. Seeing how Andrew was lost in her physique, Margret stretched her hand in an elegant lady-like manner and said " Please address me as maggie! I appreciate being called casually by good-looking men" Andrew was taken by surprise, but loved the bold attitude of Margret, after all, she was the only child of Winds corporation owners! The largest hotel chain in the world! If people like her are not confident then who is!After a few more exchange of pleasantries, the champagne was served at the party, Andrew was still completely mesmerized by Maggie, but maybe the tiredness from work took a toll on him, he suddenly felt quite dizzy and in the attempt of saving his balance he ended up spilling the champagne on Maggie's dress. Seeing how the incident gained everyone's attention, Maggie being the lady she was offered to help Mr. Andrew to walk to his room along with her secretary Bill. No one in the party suspected anything and Maggie along with Bill dragged Andrew to his room, as soon as they opened the door with the key Andrew had, they threw the drunk Andrew on the ground, " Margret? seriously? U couldn't find a better name or a better business group?" complained the girl taking off her blond wig revealing beautiful brunette curls, then she took off her green lenses which revealed her big hazel eyes. "Can you stop complaining about something so insignificant Grav! Get your laptop ready and shut down the lighting systems so that I can go out steal a trolley!" Pleaded Fabian the fake secretary Bill. Grav aka Gravity the tech genius huffed and worked her tech magic, within seconds the lights were off, thus Fabian dashed out of the room to steal a hotel trolley, while Gravity wrapped up all the precious items she could find in Andrew's luggage along with the famous 16th Century painting he was about to gift the organizers of the party. Soon Fabian came back they loaded all their loot into the trolley and dashed out towards the parking lot, Gravity continuously on her phone switching off every CCTV before they crossed it, that was another one of their successful robbery and con!On the way to their hideout, where they were supposed to meet their dealer, Gravity got a call from him saying " flee girlie! fucking police is searching here!" That was a panic situation! Though the money was there in the car with them, what about jewels and paintings they just stole? Well, it wasn't that tough of a situation for these pro-con artists, they were Margret Winds and Bill for the day weren't they! It is easy to flee America when you are super rich! You book a private jet!So the next destination for this conning duo was the land of riches! Europe! Luxembourg to be specific! Now that is something we call an adventurous life!

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