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The very next morning a disheveled Fabian came to Gravity's room and began waking her up in a hurry" Gravity Gravity grayvvvvv we need to run, we need to con, these guys are super bad!!" This made Gravity look at her dear brother with bored expressions, she sat on her bed, stretcher her arms while yawning and asked" what happened?", at this fabian began to cry like a baby, this made gravity look in shock at him, she stood up and handed him a glass of water. The brother-sister duo had a really special bond with Gravity being the strong pillar of support while fabian being the emotional corner, he was the only person she cared about genuinely, never letting anyone hurt him. After good 15 minutes of crying, Fabian said" you remember my last boyfriend who ghosted me 6 months back?" Grav remembered it quite well, it was a passionate love for fabian, he was blind in love at that time, remembering that grav spoke" yeah! that mother fucker who slept with you like a wild horse and then just vanished", "yes!!!" replied fabian in a teary tone, then continued, "he, he, he is a member here! he came into my room last night! I couldn't control myself, we had sex, and then he, he left me there! I have been searching for Ryan since the morning, but the servants told me there was no one of the name Ryan here! He he used me grav, he used me for sex!!!" This made grav's blood boil, fabian was indeed an innocent person, using one's body was against grav's rules, she never slept with anyone for work, nor did fabian, they both believed in the presence of love and liking, though gravity wanted to stay single for life and enjoy her riches, but fabian, he wanted a family, he wanted a loving partner and children with him, this kind of use of the body and then ghosting was unacceptable to the sis-bro duo. " He will pay for it!" gravity said on a serious note, this was enough for fabian to understand that his mastermind sister was planning something big. Calming down fabian left grav's room, and gravity went to get ready for the day. As soon as the bro-sis got ready they got a message on their phones saying that the breakfast will be served on the shooting grounds today. As gravity and fabian reached the destination in the golf cart, gravity's eyes went straight towards Leo, he looked hot in a white satin shirt and brown pants holding a rifle. Suddenly fabian shrieked, which made grav look towards him, only to see him staring at a man who stood right behind Leo with sadness and anger in his eyes. She understood he was Ryan. Before she could react, Leo spoke up" good morning grav, meet Mr. Antonio Romano, our consigliere and my only friend since childhood, we both have grown up together." Grav gave Leo a fake cold smile and looked at Antonio with a poker face. Her reaction confused Leo, he knew nothing about the history of Antonio and Fabian, this made Leo a bit sad, thinking maybe he was the one moving ahead and faster towards Gravity, he thought yesterday's events were enough to establish the roots of friendship but maybe he was wrong!In the same poker expressions, Gravity proposed a match with Antonio, excitedly Antonio accepted it. They were to get 3 stots each for a 7 meter apart bull eye. Antonio went first, hitting the center then looked towards Gravity to begin shooting, but gravity gave him a fake smile and asked in a fake sweet tone" a consigliere I see, at quite a young age! you may be quite capable to get that position so early in life!"At this Antonio smiled and said " well thanks for the compliment and this capable man is at your service, once you become the mafia queen! But I do have a question for you, how many people have you killed till now?"At this gravity shot her 1st shot towards the bull eye, missing it terribly, then she looked at Antonio and said "Yesterday was my very first, and it felt really good!" then she pointed her rifle at Antonio and said, "since I am on the streak might as well kill one more, right Ryan?" This scene was quite sudden for Leo, who was sipping tea in the shed, admiring his best friend and to-be wife competing, but when Gravity pointed the gun at Antonio, Leo knew she was in grave danger! Antonio was the one who had been silently protecting the brother and sister duo in their almost perfect cons! There were some cases in which the victims could have killed gravity and fabian, but Antonio was the one who protected both of them on the order of Leo and Matteo. Antonio was a master in all types of guns, he maybe even lost the count of people he killed since he first held a gun in his hand from the age of 12yrs. Moreover, he is the brain of the family, his decisions have always been the best for the family moreover since the brother-sister duo were so important for the family, Antonio took it upon himself to look after them for whole 3 years, protecting them multiple times, But this fact was not known at all to Gravity and fabian. All gravity could see at that time was her crying brother! She was ready to kill him on the spot. Leo ran towards the scene, but to his surprise fabian ran faster than him and stood before Antonio, protecting him from the rifle gravity was pointing towards him. "No grav! no! I want an explanation from him! I have loved him so long! I want an explanation, not his death!!" This was the first time that Fabian stopped gravity from doing something, she was shocked by this action of his, it hurt her to some extent as well seeing how her bond with fabian had grown weak because of a third party, but on one side she was happy that her brother was learning independence, and then still in the train of her thoughts, she noticed Antonio's expressions, the way he looked at fabian made it clear to Gravity that Antonio shared the same feelings as fabian, he loved fabian, and in the current situation, she was the bad guy in fabian's life. This hurt gravity, she never wanted to do anything bad to fabian, but in rage, she pointed the gun towards the love of his life. Broken by the look fabian gave her, gravity threw the rifle on the ground and ran away. Leo wanted to run behind her, but concluded not to, he was not sure if she would appreciate it or not, a decision he was about to regret bad in a few moments, but coming back to the scene, fabian saw grav running, he let out an irritated scream before turning towards Antonio.After turning he said" I know your name was fake but was everything else as well? I don't believe so, those passionate nights cannot be fake, it cannot be fucking fake!!" at this Antonio placed back the gun he took out from his back pocket to shoot gravity when pointed the gun towards him and held fabian's face in his hands, he looked directly into Fabian's eyes and said " it was the first time when I fell in love during a mission and coincidently with the mission! I was ordered to protect you brother and sister during the last 3 years, slowly I found myself getting attracted to you and that is how I fell for you, I ghosted you because I had to come back here to welcome you properly, you are my one and only love for this life! and I am sorry for the lies I told you, but I hope you like my name Antonio!" saying this he smirked, and fabian without wasting any time kissed Antonio passionately, then breaking the kiss Fabian said " it is super sexy!Leo was watching the whole scene in shock! He never knew his best friend was gay let alone the fact that he was dating his to be wife's stepbrother, seeing the shocked Leo, Antonio coughed and faced him, holding fabian's hand, then said" I wanted to tell you this after yours and gravity's wedding but I guess things got out of hand! here fabian is the love of my life, and I hope you respect this decision of mine!" listening that Leo marched towards Antonio and gave him a strong punch in the stomach making Antonio whimper in pain, then smirking Leo spoke " this was for not telling your best friend your preferences, and hiding your love story" and then Leo hugged Antonio and fabian together. Congratulating to the couple for beginning a new life together. During this happy union, they forgot that the main reason because of which this union was possible, Gravity! was missing! she did run towards her room, but was she able to reach it?

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