Chapter 1

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Zayn P.O.V

My steps are quick as I leave the parking garage, heading towards my building. I open the front doors to be greeted by my staff. The usual "hello's" and "good mornings" given are quick and curt, focusing all of my brain power on the meeting. Before I step into the elevator and press the floor level 60 button I check out Clark's new secretary, a leggy redhead with a perfect ass. Mental note to bang her. Entering the elevator, I crack my neck trying to shake some of the nerves off before I meet this man. I take in some quick breaths before the elevator reaches my floor. The metal box dings and the doors slide open. Stepping into the cool office space I continue my stride towards my office.

"Excuse me sir?" My receptionist calls to me.

"Not now Jane. I'm busy." I call back. God, do I regret the day I ever screwed her. She was a great fūck don't get me wrong, she was tight, called me by my pet name, and she let me have my way with her, but she's to needy. Everyday after that she constantly rang my phone and texted me naked pictures. That I may have jerked off to once or twice, six times at the most. But she just wasn't my type.

"No, sir; please, th-" she tries to say but I cut her off.

"I'm busy I told you, you know I have a very important meeting I need to tend to" I say reaching for the door to unlock it, but, it seems it's already unlocked. I open my door to see the back of a figure looking over the belongings on my desk.

"Who the fūck are you, and what the fūck are you doing in my office!" I seethe at the man. He turns around to face me.

"Just seeing the type of man I would be doing business with, an angry man apparently.' He cracks a smile at me 'Good looking too, which means you may be a bit of a horn dog player, or sēx addict." He starts to fire his opinions at me I almost scoff in response, with wide eyes, knitted eyebrows, and parted lips.

"Neat office, but dark, and closed off, let's open these blind shall we." He continues, hitting the grey button on the side of the glass. Revealing a lively, bright city down below letting blinding, white light into the the large empty office space.

"Much better' he says with an award winning smile. 'now on to business." He states in a professional manner, smile wiped completely off of his face. He walks back over to my desk grabbing a thick manila folder, handing it out towards me to take for him. I just look from his hand to his face several times before it finally clicks with me. This is Mr. Grandier. He owns the company I'm supposed to making this deal with and I just fūcking cursed him out. I want to say how I'm a lowly fool, and how I'm so sorry but all that happens is sputtering noises and rapid blinking.

"Sir..I'm sorry I was just so nervous to be meeting Mr. Grandier an- and you're him, Mr. Grandier that is and god sir im jus-" I ramble. The words slipping out of my mouth saying anything I can to get him to forgive me, and not leave this meeting.

He lets out a hearty laugh during my rambling, and I cease my talking immediately. He pretends to wipe a tear off due to laughing so much along with a deep heavy sigh still filled with his chuckle.

"You think that I'd call off the deal because you yelled a measly fūck at me!" He says. His awarding winning smile back on his face. He pats me on the back handing me the folder. This time I take it from him and give a smile back.

"Thank you sir. This means a lot." I tell him walking over to the other side of my desk, sitting in my black leather chair. Setting down the folder, I open it up and rummage through the papers.

"Amazing view." He states leaning against the window frame.

"It's the best one in the whole building.' I retort. 'The main reason why I chose this floor."

"Good taste Mr.Malik. Your suit, viewing choices, I'm beginning to like you more and more" he smiles at me.


"No I'm serious, chicken and chili, was all over the back seat! It smelt for weeks after that!" My story finishes, our laughter filling the room.

"Zayn you are just about the funniest guy I ever met!" He exclaims. Clapping his hands together.

I stand up from the chair next to Calvin, walking over the my built in bar to get a drink.

"Want something Mr. Grandier ." I ask pulling out my best brandy.

"Zayn, call me Calvin! And of course, it's gotta be five o'clock somewhere!" His voice booms across the room.

I smile at his light joking manner and pour the fiery drink into two glasses. Looking at the clock on my wall it says the time is 2:37. Wow, time has flown by. With the deal already sealed and out of the way, we took the time to get to know each other. We both enjoy vacationing, the finest liquor's, swimming, tennis, and fine women. Calvin is only 38, which genuinely shocked me considering how remarkable he looks. He also has a daughter named Angelina. And I don't think the angle part could be more perfect. She was a gorgeous girl, with a stunning smile, and a bright future, so he's told me. Our small talk quickly went to childhood stories and tragically hilarious tales. I'll have to tell Louis about Calvin. The image of the three of us on a drunken night in town would be a sight to see.

Walking back to Calvin I sit in the hard black oak painted chair. Taking a sip of the aged drink, my sinuses are instantly open up.

"You doing anything tonight?" Calvin asks a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

"I had plans to screw some redhead, but no I'm not busy." I say smirking into my next sip.

"The leggy one downstairs?"

"That's the one."

"How about you come with me to my daughter's volleyball game. It'll be a blast, plenty of sēxy babes! Plus it's my baby girl's birthday. And with her friends that come every we spend no time together. So this year just me her and you, hopefully? She's really into business and could be a great businesswoman. You're young, you could relate to her better than her dad. And didn't I read somewhere your sister is an amazing trainer for practically all sports? Maybe she could get her number get help with track and volley while you coach her in a real career! This could help me out a lot I'm basically begging here Malik." He tries to convince me. What could it hurt help out the girl. Maybe get laid.

Eh, I could get laid any night, anytime, by anyone.

He seems to noticed my hesitation and is quick to add in:

"We'll take the yacht out to the Caribbean!"

I'm hooked.

"You've got a deal!" I say raising my drink to met his.


First chapter up for Enlighten!!! Woo! Really excited for this book. First ever Zayn FanFiction. Prepare for smut, kinky smut, fluff, and tears. Well meet Angelina next chapter!

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