A Simple Conversation

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"Hey! What's up?" the lady in front of me in the line asked.

I contemplated the simple question. I could take the literal approach, say that the sky was up, and also the ceiling.

Or, I could say, eh, nothing, what about you? This would fulfill the need of replying, while still seeming interested, but letting her drive the conversation.

But then, if they genuinely wanted to know, I should tell them about something, even if nothing was going on.

Or, I should tell them what was actually up. But then, since there was nothing up, what would I tell them?

Or I could fob it off and ask them a question of my own. But then, would they be offended at such an apparent manhandling of the conversation? Even though they were doing such a thing themselves?

Such a dilemma stupefied me, and I simply stared dumbly at the lady. A thousand more possibilities flickered through my mind until there were simply too many.

Finally, she gave up and began rambling about her own day, her query to me completely out of mind.

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