chapter 3 "Friends"

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Then i woke up again from the sound of the alarm i turned the alarm off and went to bathroom to take a shower after taking the shower i went downstairs and made myself breakfast and picked my bag and went to school

As i entered the school
I saw my bullies again trying to mock me i rolled my eyes and went away i put my things into locker and went to my class, it was maths class

As i entered the class there wasnt any seats left except the last seat just beside that guy i went to him and asked if i can sit he just nodded then i put my bag on the table and took my books out

But then i saw that guy doesnt have any book with him so i helped him by sharing my book he was so quiet i thought we would make good friends as im also like him

Time skip to the lunch break,
Finally it was break now i yawned and got up from my seat so the guy could get up from his seat but he didnt moved an inch i was confused as of why isn't he going to the lunch break

So i just simply asked him
"Aren't u gonna go to the lunch break"
He just coldly said no
So i just sat on the seat again but then he raised his his brow as to why i sat back i just simply said i dont want to as i dont have any friends and i suppose that u also dont have one

He just hummed,
But then i took my hand out and said
"Friends" he widened his eyes but then came back to normal and smiled and shook my hands and said "Friends"

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