chapter 7 "Detention"

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The teacher noticed that jungkook was looking outside the window and was not paying attention to the class

"Jungkook why are u not paying attention detention for u today"said the teacher ah idk why is this teacher always giving detention on small things

Skip time to the lunch break
"Finally" I said I was so freakin hungry
I went to the canteen and brought something for me and jungkook

I went back to my class and gave the lunch to jungkook

"Kook here u go I also bought something for u to eat" I said

"U didn't need to" he said and smiled

We started digging in as we both were very hungry

"Ah I have detention today I'm so angry I wanted to spend time with my oppas" I said

"It's ok I also have detention"
He smiled and ruffled my hairs

"Ah this guy is killing me his smile is so cute" I thought

I was so busy in admiring him that I didn't realized I was blushing

"Ah rimee why is ur face so red are u ok" asked jungkook worriedly

"Relax kook I'm fine" I replied

"Are u sure"

"Yes Im" I said then he sighed in relief
Then we heard the bell means that the lunch break is over

"We get very little time for break don't u think kook" I said while rolling my eyes

Soon the teacher came
And with that the boring day went by
Now it was time to go to detention

I thought I should inform my brother that I will be late I called him and he picked up

"Hey sis ,when r u coming back"

"Ah sorry oppa I will be late today I have detention cuz I was late to school" I said while rolling my eyes

"I will pick u up from the school then"

"No oppa it's fine i will be late so I don't want u waiting"

"Ok sis I will be waiting for u on the dinner table then come as soon as u can" 

"Ok bro I will now I gotta go bye take care" with that I ended the call and went with jungkook

We knocked on the teacher's door

"Come in" teacher said in a low voice
We both entered the room the teacher was busy on her computer

The teacher pointed towards the two chair and told us to sit

We sat and opened our books and strated doing our homework

The teacher went out for some work
And we both were left alone in the room

"Ah thank god I felt like I was bout to die the teacher's gaze is so scary"
I said frustrated while jungkook just chuckled

"Btw teach me how to do this" I asked jungkook for help in a maths question

He started explaining the question in the easy way possible

"He is so close to me" I gulped at the closeness

I started admiring him
He looks so hot when he is focused

Then he turned his head towards me and he was also staring at me now
But the he pushed back and said sorry

"No it's ok"

"Did u understand the question" I nodded I didn't tho as I was busy admiring him

With that the detention came to an end and jungkook offered me to drop me at home but I refused and went home by myself

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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