the whole story

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with this one, there's no pictures for anything because it didn't save for some reason sorry!!

I woke up to giggling and jumping on me "mommy mommy wake up!!" "auntie melia up up!!!" the two girls were saying to me "im up im up!" they both hugged me and lay down next to me not letting go "lets go wake up cole ok?" they both jumped up and we went to his room i put my finger to my mouth signaling to stay quiet. Then I nod my head saying they can go. They start screaming too which made it even funnier he jumped out of his sleep and looked at the girls as if they were crazy I went back to my room and got changed for the day

after that I went out and picked the girls clothes yes i pick out Cassies too because Colson doesnt know how to match girls clothes for some reason so I just made them match today

we went into the kitchen so I could make breakfast for everyone. I made pancakes shaped as mickey mouses. "You know sways coming to see the house today right?" Avani blurted out. I stood there not knowing what to do "When" "an hour" "an hour!? you didnt think to tell me this.. idk yesterday!?" "sorry sorry!" I finished up the pancakes 5 minutes later and got some snacks and drinks to bring to my room for when sway gets here I also picked up toys for Taytum. Soon enough they got here so I picked up Taytum and brought her to my room and locked it

Avani's POV

I answered the door and saw sway with their girlfriends. I hugged them and when I got to Kio he had whispered "I still dont understand why your living with Amelias best friends.." "They are mine and anthonys best friends too so its not really weird" he nodded and they all came in and a couple minutes later we started the tour. First was mine and Anthonys room "So heres mine and Vonis room" ant had said as we walked in the next one was Hannahs "Heres my room" she said as we all walked in the next one was Amelias "Hey whats this room" Bryce had asked. So fuckin nosey I was a little too quick and said "nothing" so they were all suspicious "yeah right whats in there" Josh had said "Nothing okay!" Next room was the girls room they shared a room since they were so young. "Whys there two beds?" Quinton had asked "Uhh in case one of Cassies friends stay over" Hannah had said covering up. "Shes two years old she doesnt have friends!" Bryce had said "Hey mister! Thats not nice! I have Taytum!!" Cassie said so cutely "Whos taytum" Griffin had asked "tt-" Cassie tried to say but Colson had covered her mouth everyone looked at him weird and he smiled all of a sudden a noise came from Amelias room "Theres no fucking way nothings in that room" Bryce had said breaking in the room revealing Amelia and Taytum...

Amelias POV 2 minutes ago

They had passed my room and were now in the girls room. Our plan was working until Taytum dropped a toy "Theres no fucking way nothing in that room!" i heard bryce say as he unlocked the door revealing us. I quickly turned around before anyone saw me "Who are you!?" Josh had said "Get out" I replied. I heard some footsteps "Amelia...?" I know that voice it was Jadens. "Mommy who are they" My little angel had asked "Mommy? Whos kid is that?" They needed to leave. Jadens not supposed to know this was his kid "Get out!" I was now facing them "Whos kid is that!?" "leave me alone Jaden!" "Amelia whos kid is that!?" "YOURS JADEN. SHES YOURS. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? YOU KNOW WHO THE FATHER IS SO GET OUT" "Shes mine?" "Yes shes yours" "Oh my god" He ran into her and hugged her while she looked scared I was now crying because I felt sorry that I had kept that from him for two years "Who are you?" She asked him "Baby thats your daddy" She hugged back jaden and he kissed her on the head. I looked back and saw Hannah nodding indicating that I did a good thing by telling him. Everyone else was shocked and it was silet until jaden spoke up "Hey amelia.. can we talk..?" I nodded and everyone left "Sooo..." "Why did you keep her from me?" He blurted out I stayed silent for a couple seconds until he started talking again "Hello? Why did you keep her from me?" "Because I did! You broke up with me and I thought that might have just been an excuse and that you were gonna break up with me anyways. I didnt want you to stay in a relationship that you werent happy in! It was such a stupid argument that shouldnt even been an argument or a thought that even came to my mind! Look I know that you didnt cheat on me with Mads! I know that! But you guys were just so close at the time and I was jealous! That shouldnt have even came to my mind because you had and still do have all of my trust! Knowing you, you would have stayed in the relationship if you knew I was pregnant and like I said, I didnt want you to be in a relationship you werent happy in! So my last and only resort was to not tell you I was pregnant. We were broken up when I found out and I didnt want you coming back especially since you were closer with mads than ever! I wanted you to be happy and you seemed happy with mads! Not me! So I am so sorry and im genuine about that I am! Its just the only way I could have done that!" I was balling my eyes out at this point he was quiet. I got up and was about to leave the room but he goes "wait" and he hugged me I hugged back for a couple of seconds then pulled away "im sorry" i said and left the room I grabbed my keys but then Taytum and Cassie pulled my hands "where are you going" they both asked "im going for a drive yous wanna come?" they nodded "COL IM TAKING THE GIRLS FOR A BIT" and with that we left.I buckled the girls into their carseats and tried to leave but jaden got out quick and stood behind the car so I couldnt leave "Get out of the way" he stayed there "GET OUT THE WAY!" "your gonna crash if you leave your having a panic attack" damn he knows me too well. usually people don't realize when im having a panic attack because it just looks like im crying but jadens been with me through all the panic attacks ive had when we were dating. i took the keys out of the engine and colson took the girls out of the car while jaden comforted me. "its ok mel its ok" "im so sorry j i shouldn't have kept her from you im such a jerk" he started rubbing my back and i calmed down "dont worry im past that. Just dont drive like this again." i nodded "cmon lets go inside" i nodded he kissed my head and helped me out of the car because i was still crying a bit when we walked in everyone turned their eyes to me "im so sorry yall came here to have a good time and i ruined it" "dont be sorry i think if that was any of us girls we would do the same" addison had said with all of the girls nodding i smiled a bit "momma can you play with us" i nodded then i saw her.. mads.. i had a couple tears down my face "hey are you okay?" im pretty sure it was nessa. i sighed and nodded while looking down "i'll see yous later" and went with the girls. about 15 minutes later we got a knock on the door "come in" it was addison "hey" i said in a whisper she waved "umm the girls wanted to know if you wanted a girls night tonight?" "I would love to but-" she cut me off "Taytum? Yeah colson and ant are watching her" I gave in and checked the time 2:38pm the girls were picking up me avani and hannah at 4:00. I went into the shower and shaved and washed my hair. I got out and texted the group chat to ask if we were going comfy dressy or casual

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