Chapter 5

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I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while, it's Easter break for me and I've been at my fathers house and I haven't had the time to update, I will hopefully update more next week since I will have time. How have your breaks been going?(if you're on break) Hope you all are safe and healthy. :) <


"It's only a matter of time, Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting the castle." Peter spoke as he looked around the circular room. "What do you propose we do, your majesty?" Reepicheep asks.

"We need to get ready for it."-"We need to start planning for it." Caspian and Peter say at the same time. The two looked at each other and Caspian nodded at Peter to continue. "Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us." Peter states. "But that's crazy, no one has ever taken that castle." Caspian protests but Peter quickly answers back with "There's always a first time."

"We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin says, siding with Peter. "But we have the advantage here!" Caspian exclaims. "If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." Susan speaks, agreeing with Caspian's points. "I, for one feel safer underground. the Badger speaks up.

"Look. I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress, it's a tomb. Peter says. "Yes, and if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out. Ed speaks out. "We could collect nut's!" a squirrel suggests. "Yes! And throw them at the Telmarines," Reepicheep says sarcastically "Shut up." He tells the squirrel. "I think you know where I stand, Sire. Reepicheep says and turns towards Peter.

"If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter turns and asks a Centaur, "Or die trying, my liege." the Centaur answers. "That's what I'm worried about." Lucy speaks up, "Sorry?" Peter turns to her.

"You're all acting like there's only two options, dying here, or dying there." Lucy continues. "I'm not sure you've been listening, Lu." Peter starts. "No, you're not listening. Or have you forgotten who really defeated the white witch, Peter?" Lucy asks. "I think we've waited for Aslan long enough." Peter sighed and walked off.


The night grew dark and eerie as the ambush continued. Me and Edmund flew in on a Gryphon that none off the Telmarine soldiers noticed. We landed on one of the watch towers, making a little noise and making the guard turn around but not notice anything. He shrugged it off and turned back around.

Suddenly the Gryphon that we were on gripped his shoulders with his claws and pulled him up. We then jumped down and took his place. Our plan was to signal the Narnians and begin the ambush by using Edmunds torch.

Edmund took the torch and turned it on and off signaling the Narnians, as five other Gryphons flew over each holding someone. The Narnians stood at the edge of the forest, I took the torch and signaled them as Ed guided the Gryphons in the air.


Soon Edmund was was being held against the edge of the tower as I was down below fighting off guards. Peter, Caspian and Susan ran out into the courtyard. "Now, Ed, signal the troops!" Peter yells. "We're a little busy here, Pete!" Ed yells as he drops his sword.

I noticed a guard coming up from behind Edmund, I quickly aimed my bow and shot my arrow at the guard. Ed quickly turned around and smiled at me and mouthed a "Thank you" to me before turning back around and hitting a guard on the head with his torch.

I quickly made my way up to Edmund as he tried to turn the torch on but was failing. Down below I noticed Peter was trying to open the gate. Susan and Caspian were helping him turn the wheel. Meanwhile for me and Ed up top we still could not get the torch to work.

Finally the torch flashed on and he flashed it. He turned towards me and smirked. I smiled back. Suddenly I heard a shout and looked out to see the Narnians charging into the castle, past Susan, Peter and Caspian each drawing their swords and running to join the battle.

"For Narnia!" I heard Peter shout as the Narnians charged through the courtyard. Up top me and Edmund noticed a guard aiming a crossbow at Peter. I looked at Ed as he turned and looked at me, both of us smirking. We both quickly slid down the roof and I managed to knock the guard over. Edmund following behind slightly pouting because he wanted to do that.

I smirked and nudged him playfully as he rolled his eyes and smiled. Peter looked up to us and shouted "(Y/N/N),Ed!" Ed looked to his left and noticed two Telmarine guards standing their with crossbows in their hands. Before I could aim my bow and and shoot, Ed grabs me and dives into a room kicking the door shut just in time.

Me and Ed quickly get up off the floor and make our way onto the balcony of the tower. Ed takes his flashlight and uses it to lock the door. I look over the edge trying to look for the Gryphon, but seeing nothing I turn back around and hear the guards banging on the other side of the door. 

The door suddenly burst open with soldiers running out, swords drawn. Ed slowly walked back towards me and looked over the edge. Edmund looked back up tapping my shoulder and whispering to me "Do you trust me?" I looked at him and whispered back "Of course."  

He smiled innocently back towards the guards before grabbing onto me and jumping. I buried my face in his chest as we landed on a Gryphon. We both started laughing as we flew past the tower and back to the fortress.

Hope you guys are having a good day. <3



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