Open Mic

78 10 18

"Are you excited?" Sheng asked.

Winsi bit her lip, grimacing as the nervousness that fell upon her last night exponentially increased.

"Come on, it's your open mic. You're basically letting your feelings for him go."

Butterflies fluttered around Winsi's stomach, it was violent. It was longing to be free. And that was what she was going to do. Free the butterflies hoping that her feelings would follow. She wanted to let go of her feelings— a crush that lasted for one year.

Winsi's hopeless stare followed one person. Kyros' presence disables Winsi's senses and ability to think clearly which is why when he disappeared into the corner, her body jolted out of surprise.

Sheng, was holding a large piece of paper with a glaring bold letters saying, "Here's the reward to the biggest simp of the year: Winsi Renatos"

Winsi tried to shoot arrows out of her eyes, and when that didn't work, she just rolled her eyes. Is a year long crush, too much?

It's not like she could help it. It's not like she was hooked on him the moment she saw Kyros— no, in fact, it took a few months for her to develop her feelings and she confirmed it at the start of the last term of tenth grade. That's when she devised a plan.

She didn't plan on confessing since she was too shy and really had no confidence. Plus, rejection exists. But she couldn't just sit there aimlessly conjuring scenarios in their head of what their future would look like if they actually got together in real life.

They were partners before on a research paper, a very long research paper which allowed her to see some things he never showed to anyone but when got transferred to another section, he changed. He'd say hi to her here and there but their eyes would immediately dart somewhere else except at each other.

He had the sense of humor of a comedian that waters her dry sense of humor. Winsi recalled the times where she'd try to deliver the jokes he learned from him and it explodes before it lands. It was more pathetic than explaining a joke.

And that was just one of the qualities he possesses. Winsi loves how therapeutic it is to hear him rattle off about something he likes, be a nerd in general. Kyros is also a proactive student and still blushes when someone compliments him. He was shy but the way he presents himself radiates confidence.

When she entered 11th grade, that's when her plans to let him feel her emotions started. She decided to use the one weapon in her arsenal. Poetry. She wrote him short poems. Every week. She wrote him poems and never missed a week in slipping it in his locker. But there are times she asked Sheng to slip it in his bag since they were classmates.

She was more consistent in giving him poems than her sleep schedule.

Yet, she never knew how she reacted. The temptation of knowing how he reacted and what his reactions were strong but the fear was stronger. It basically embraced and guided her movements when it comes to him.

She gave him 52 poems.

Each contained a verse.

of what she felt for him.

That he's her dreams.

"Hey." Winsi's eyes grew. She was waiting in the shed where they left their bikes. Sheng wanted to pee first before they traveled together back home.

"Hi," Winsi whispered. She turned her head slowly, quite afraid to look at him and bursting out the feelings she's been hiding. She was a ticking time-bomb.

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