He's clearly a vampire, first of all, we found him in the Blood Woods, in a vampire nest, and second of all, he has blood all over him!" shouted a rugged looking man. He was standing in front of a crowd, facing them, with two men standing next to him, restraining a boy with dark sweaty hair, torn clothes, and he was covered in blood. There were shouts from people in the crowd, some agreed, some didn't. "Now quiet, all of you! I sent for 'The Hunter', and when she gets here, she can make the decision of whether he dies, or not." said a man who was also standing in front, facing the crowd. "Why should we wait for some woman that we've never met to decide the fate of our prisoner." objected the rugged looking man, and as he finished, he unsheathed a steel dagger and raised the boys head and then the dagger. When he raised the boys head, the crowd got a chance to see what his face looked like, his face was covered in blood, so much so that all you could really see were his eyes, and they were sad, but beautiful emerald, green eyes that appeared to be longing for something or someone. "This is what happens to vampires when we find them!!" shouted the man with the knife, and then he raised his arm higher, and went to stab the boy. But, to the man's misfortune, as soon as he had raised his arm higher, a knife came flying out of nowhere, hit the hilt of the knife that man was holding and knocked it right out his hand. "No one touches the boy." shouted a girl that was standing at the back of the crowd.
She was wearing a black coat, over a fairly tight, long black dress - the dress finished halfway down her shins - and black boots with short heels on them. On one boot, on each side, were triple - bladed daggers, and on the other boot on each side, was a wooden stake. She was wearing a silver necklace around her neck with a silver crucifix on the chain, and she had a belt around her waist, there were two large silver bottles on it and two sheathes, one sheath was for a small dagger, that one was empty, that was the sheath for the dagger that had been thrown at the man, and the other sheath was for a sword, and the sword was in that. On her back was a crossbow, with something shaped similarly to a quiver, just with an easy opening top to it, so that she could pull new arrows out to put in her cross bow, without having trouble, the top was just so that it was harder for them to fall out if she were to be knocked to the ground, or fall over.
The crowd parted, and the girl walked through to the front and the mayor said, 'Who are you?" "I'm Annabelle, I believe you are in need of my services" replied Annabelle. "You? You'reAnnabelle La'Crain?" asked the mayor. Annabelle nodded. So the mayor replied with, "Well, in that case, yes, we do need your help. We need you to eradicate a nest of vampires, and as of recent events, we also need you to tell us whether this boy is a vampire or not." "That's ridiculous, there's No Way this girl is 'The Hunter' and we don't need any help figuring what this boy is, it's obvious, isn't it, he's a vampire." Announced the other man; the one that tried to stab the boy. "Quiet Graham, it is not your job to decide that, it's hers." The mayor growled. "I am not letting a 15 year old girl tell me what's what." Graham replied, in an objective manner. "First of all, I'm seventeen, second of all, are you really this stupid. The legend of me has been passed on from person to person for generations. I may look seventeen, but actually, not only am I more powerful than you could possibly imagine, but I am over 1,500 years older than you. Are you really going to challenge me?" Asked Annabelle, "All lies, as far as I'm concerned" said Graham. "Well, I knew you were an idiot, but I didn't think you were a moron, obviously it's true, not only am I living proof, but SO many people are living proof that I exist, people dating back to your great grand-parents, great-great grand-parents. In fact, you are probably living proof, as it is more than likely that I saved your grandparents from some form of evil." replied Annabelle.
She then lent down and picked up her dagger and then sheathed it. Then she lifted up the boy's head carefully, and looked at his face. "He's not a vampire," announced Annabelle, "Release him!" The men hesitated, and glanced at the mayor, he nodded, and so they let the boy go, and he fell to the round, he was obviously either exhausted, in pain, or both. "No!" said Graham, who suddenly had a cross bow and was aiming it at Annabelle. The people in the crowd gasped, and Annabelle, just turned and stared right down the crossbow, and directly into Graham's eyes. Then she kicked the crossbow right out of his hands and punched him face, and said, a sound of authority in her voice, "Never challenge me again!" And then turned to the mayor, "Is there somewhere I can take him to get him cleaned up, where we can rest, and then I shall take him to a different town, so that he isn't an issue." And as Annabelle finished the sentence, she glared at Graham. "Of course, we have a spare room in the town house, you can stay there." He then gestured for Annabelle to follow him, so she squatted down and asked the boy if he could walk, he nodded weakly and, with some help from Annabelle, managed to stand up, and then started walking after the mayor slowly. But Annabelle noticed the trouble that he was having trouble walking, and so she lifted him up, and carried him to the town house.

Annabelle La'Crain - The Prophecy
VampireIgnoring a prophecy can be a person's greatest mistake. Young Annabelle will soon learn this valuable lesson as she travels throughout the land in the name of revenge, but will revenge be enough. With revenge comes cruelty and heartlessness, is this...