~5 months later~
It was a cold, beautiful evening, and Annabelle and Harry were riding their horses along a small path, "So, tell me more about this soothsayer." Annabelle said to Harry. "He's not a soothsayer, he's a prophet. And what I know of him is that he sees the most complete and accurate prophecies of everything and everyone, and he saw a prophecy of your future." Harry replied to Annabelle, pulling his horse to a halt as he and Annabelle arrived at a small hut on the top of a hill. "Yeah, well. Prophet, soothsayer, there's not much difference." Annabelle replied smiling at Harry, before they walked over to the hut and tapped on the door. "I'm out back" a male voice called from behind the hut. Annabelle and Harry gave each other a reassuring glance, before walking around to the back of the hut. Behind the hut was a man crouching down, tending to plants. "Hello, we are here to ask you about a prophecy we heard you had seen." Harry said. "I know why you are here. And I don't see prophecies my boy, I am sent them in visions, or sometimes, I just see the future." The man said, standing up and walking over to Annabelle and Harry. "Of course, sorry." Harry said. "So then, if you know why we're here, can you tell us what we want to know now?" Annabelle asked impatiently. "Ever the impatient one, aren't you. But, alas, yes I shall tell you." The prophet started. He then walked over to a garden bench that was surrounded by beautiful flowers. "So, are you going to tell us?" Annabelle asked, following him. "Sit," He said patting beside him on the bench. Annabelle sat down and turned to the man, and, as she put her hand on his shoulder, she said, "Look, I need to know...." Suddenly Annabelle tore her hand off of him and pulled out a stake, "You're a vampire!!" Annabelle more or less shouted at him. "I'm a reformed vampire, look, all I want to do is help." The man said. "Why couldn't I sense you?" Annabelle asked, her stake raised. "Because your power is to sense evil, and, as I am not evil, you could not sense my supernatural side." The vampire said. Annabelle considered this for a moment, and decided that she did not trust this vampire, but as she wanted to know the prophecy, she to listen to what the vampire had to say. "Fine, what is this prophecy then?" Annabelle asked. "Well the prophecy has been around for many centuries, but something changed, a month ago, no one knows what, but it caused every single prophet or soothsayer to be warned of the prophecy." The vampire said. "I know what happened." Annabelle said, her mind flashing back to a very special evening that occurred one month ago....-one month ago-Harry and Annabelle were running through the forest, and they arrived at a water fall. Annabelle and Harry climbed to the top of the water fall to watch the sun set. "It's beautiful" Annabelle said, gazing at the setting sun and the beautiful horizon. "Yes it is," Harry said, looking at Annabelle. Annabelle turned and looked at Harry, she saw the way he was looking at her, with compassion, and love, and she knew that she was looking at him the same way, and before she knew what was happening, Harry kissed her. At first she kissed him back, but then she had a vision, of Harry dying, and her being made to watch. "No!" Annabelle screamed backing away from Harry. "What, what is it?" Harry asked, worrying that he had hurt her. "I can't, no, I won't let this happen, not again." Annabelle said, a desperate but terrified tone in her voice. "What do you mean, what are you talking about?" Harry asked, worried about her. "It doesn't matter. Look, this, you and I, it can never be, do you understand? It can never be, ever!" Annabelle said, climbing back down the water fall, and making her way back through the trees to the horses.-end of flashback-"....Annabelle? Hello? What happened?" Harry said, shaking Annabelle. "Oh, sorry, nothing it doesn't matter, continue." Annabelle replied in a dazed voice, as if coming out of a dream. "Yes well, the prophecy goes this...There will come a night where the moon shines blue and the stars shine red, and on this night shall come the daughter of Athena. She will be the embodiment of a 17 year old, and shall have great powers, powers which she uses against the undead and other evil beings.But on this night the girl shall cease to be a hunter of the undead, and shall become the true embodiment of who she is, her true soul shall be revealed. On this night, for this to happen, she shall see her love die and then die a terrible and bloody death herself.After her death this girl shall transcend to a higher form of being, of life, and if she ever wishes to bring back the love of her life, she shall have to face the greatest evil in all creation, a spawn of the devil himself, a creature that gods have failed to defeat.The girl shall have the power to defeat this girl, but only if she truly believes in herself, and uses basic human emotions to give herself the strength to succeed.If the girl succeeds and kills this evil, the world will become brighter and happier than ever before, and the boy will be brought back, but if she fails, and this hell spawn continues to live, then the world will plunge into darkness, we shall live in a world where roads and rivers flow with the blood of the innocent and the boy shall suffer eternal torment in the darkest circle of hell....And there you have it, the prophecy." The vampire finished, looking up at Annabelle, who had a terrified expression on her face. "No!" She screamed stumbling backwards. "No I don't believe you, I won't!" She screamed, running towards Nightshade, mounting him, and leaving. "You must warn her, protect her. If the prophecy is ignored, if she is not prepared, if she does not believe, she will die. She won't be resurrected, or transcend to a being of immense power, she'll just be dead." The Vampire said to Harry desperately. "Thank you, I'm sorry" Harry said to the vampire, before running towards Starlight, mounting her, and galloping off after Annabelle.Harry caught up to Annabelle, and said, "Look, I know you don't want to believe it, but you know, just as well as I do the truth in his words." Annabelle slowed her horse down to a trot, "No I don't! If his words were true, and the prophecy had been around for centuries, I would have heard of it." she yelled at Harry, not wanting to believe that the vampire's words were true, willing herself not to believe them. "Yes his words are true, and you have to accept that." Harry said, slowing his horse, so that they were trotting side – by – side. "No I don't. Look, there is a town 6 leagues from here, they need our help, so let's just forget about this and just go help them, okay." Annabelle said, changing the subject. "Fine, if you insist." Harry said, promising himself that he would keep bringing it up until she believed it. Harry's last thought on the subject being, "I can't let her ignore the prophecy, I can't just let her die. I must protect her at all costs. ALL costs. I must, I can't bear to lose her.... I love her" and after that final thought, they continued the rest of their ride to the following town in uncomfortable silence.

Annabelle La'Crain - The Prophecy
VampireIgnoring a prophecy can be a person's greatest mistake. Young Annabelle will soon learn this valuable lesson as she travels throughout the land in the name of revenge, but will revenge be enough. With revenge comes cruelty and heartlessness, is this...