Chapter 2-Edited

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Chapter 2

As I make my way into the ballroom again, I frequently look over my shoulder, simultaneously hoping and dreading that Jasper would follow me. Why I felt the need to kiss his cheek is beyond me, hopefully, I am able to just shake it off and find a way to get to know some other people before the afternoon is over. As I look around trying to find Sebastian, I am tapped on the shoulder, clearly, he is better at finding me rather than the opposite.

"Hey there, stranger. Sorry, that took so long, Sasha was just trying to let me in on a schedule change at his work. Come on! I heard that they are about to be starting the ice breakers, this might be the perfect opportunity for you to get to know someone and find a Dominant you match well with," he quickly pulls me towards the gathering crowd and into the large circle that is forming. As Sebastian nudges our way into the spots, he starts bouncing around excitedly. "Oh, I just love this part of the day. Everyone is so awkward and nervous, absolutely exhilarating." He nudges my shoulder, clearly making a jab at how quiet I've become since my encounter with Jasper. I teasingly shove him back and scan the crowd as I wait. Somehow, amidst the large crowd, Jasper found himself sitting directly across from me, next to a very defeated-looking Gregory.

"Welcome everyone, to the Power Academy I am Madam Belinda Carter, headmistress of the Academy. I am so excited that you all are beginning or continuing your journey in the community with us. I will be leading the beginning of the ice breakers just so there is no confusion. I am well aware that there was a time before with the food that you were able to become acquainted with some of your peers, but we are going to begin with a getting to know you game," I roll my eyes at this as I realize this is going to be yet another cringy 'team building' game. "I have a ball here in my hands," she says lifting a ball in the air for everyone to see. "Now, when I have the ball, I will state my name, position in the community, and either your experience or your relationship status. Once you are finished, you will pass the ball. So here we go, you all know my name, I am a dominatrix, and I have happily explored all of my wildest desires with my wife Chloe. There, it isn't so bad, right?" Madam Carter says as she passes the ball to Sebastian, "Okay, you're next since you have done this quite a few times."

"Thank you, Madam Carter. My name is Sebastian, I am a dominant and a master to my partner Sasha. Sadly, Sasha has work, so they couldn't make it today, but we have been in a very serious relationship for years now," Sebastian tosses the ball to someone else as they begin to answer. I quickly tug on his shirt and pull him closer to whisper in his ear.

"Seb, uh... What do I, I mean uh, what would I say if I, you know, if I have never been with um... If I haven't ever..." I trail off as Sebastian looks at me, completely shocked.

"Well, Kayla, you have to be honest. You can't lie about something that important. And you would definitely be surprised, innocence is a highly revered thing here, even though it won't last for long," he chuckles as the ball has continually been thrown around. Eventually, the ball lands in Jasper's hands, and some people begin to chuckle.

"Okay then, my name is Jasper Knight, I have been coming here on and off in between university years, and I have been single for the past year now," Jasper smirks as he tosses the ball to me. I am caught off guard for a moment from the nerves as everyone looks at me, expecting a witty remark or a simple answer.

"Hi there, well, uh, so my name is Kayla... I am a submissive and little sort of and well... I sort of, I actually have never been with anyone before... not like this." I quickly pass the ball to someone else, but the room remains silent with everyone's eyes glued to me, "What?"

"Stop looking at the girl like she's the biggest catch of the week. Tread carefully dominants, you are going to have to prove your worth if you get to be matched with my girl here," Sebastian teases the group as I look down at my feet in embarrassment. I can't believe I just said something like that in front of a group of strangers.

"Now, now, Sebastian. You know administration handles matching. However, it is nice to see you protecting one of our innocents." Madam Carter chimed in. "Continue, please." The game continues as I remain looking at the floor. Apparently, my embarrassment was noticeable because Seb leans down and nudges me.

"I am serious Kayla, don't be ashamed of your innocence. You are like royalty around here, everyone would absolutely kill to have been able to experience their firsts of all of this in a controlled environment." The game went on for a few more minutes and it finally came to an end.

"Thank you all, this went much better than I expected. Now, we are going to play a different game between the submissives and the dominants. However, that does mean that our lovely little switches are not going to be able to participate. You will be following Mister Turner to the dining hall for your own special little getting to know you games." The switches follow Mister Turner out of the room as the remaining forty or fifty individuals split into two groups, complying with Madam Carter's request.

"Perfect," Madam Carter continues, "now we are going to play a game, and for once, dominants, you are not going to be the ones in control. This is our Academy's version of 'Heads-Up Seven-Up' from elementary school, with our own... twist. Each round, seven submissives will pick a blindfolded dominant each to do as they please for thirty seconds. After the time is up, they will all line up and the dominants will have a chance to try and choose the submissive that chose them. If they pick correctly, they will be paired up for the next round of games, if not, they have to wait for the next round. This game will continue until everyone is paired together." After choosing seven dominants to be blindfolded and sit in a chair, she silently chooses seven submissives to step forward.

After the first round was completed, three out of the seven were paired correctly. Jasper and Sebastian were each picked several times, however, they were both so terrible at guessing every time. Eventually, it came to my turn, and I nervously stood there choosing my 'target.' like a dream I moved towards Jasper's chair. While the other subs instantly jump into the laps of the doms', I slowly sit on Jasper's lap. Madam Carter gives us the signal to begin, and most of the girls begin to grind and make out with the dominants. I start to be way too nervous to do that, so I simply kiss him on the forehead and give him a gentle temple massage. When the timer ran out, all of the submissives formed a line in front of the chairs. The doms followed suit and stood up, pulling off their blindfolds, scanning their options.

"Dominants, let's see how bad this goes. Sebastian, I don't have high hopes for this, but for the fifth time... who do you believe your submissive was?" Madam Carter asked as the crowd devolves into a fit of laughter.

"This one is too easy, Kayla, you wouldn't have picked anyone else, so clearly it was you, right?" he confidently states. I shake my head no while laughing, understanding why he thought I would only be comfortable interacting with him. Groaning in frustration he goes back to the crowd and waits for his turn, upset that he was wrong yet again. Two other dominants guessed the submissive correctly. Finally, it was Jasper's turn. I keep my face calm, my years of family poker night paying off for once.

Before Madam Carter had a chance to even call on him, Jasper steps up, "Madam Carter, I believe I already know who was the submissive that chose me. Kayla, was it you?" As he asks, my jaw drops. How did he know that it was me that quickly? I silently not and walk over to him. He gently grabs my hand and leads me to where the pairings are all waiting. "You know, the kiss was what gave you away, sweetheart. However, for someone who is inexperienced, you sure as hell know how to make a moment intimate," I blush and look away as he chuckles and kisses the top of my head, "Such an innocent little sweetheart." 

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