Birthday party

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March 18th.

Rantaro Pov.

I walked into school, I saw a crowd of people squealing like fangirls and fanboys. I instantly ran up to the crowd and jumped up, trying to see past everyone.

I saw Kaede, handing out... invitations? It looked like it was for some sort of party. I ran throw the crowd to Kaede, who smiled as soon as she saw me.

"Hi Rantaro!" She said.

"Hey Kaede... what's going on?"

"I'm handing out party invitations and I guess a lot of people want to come... I wish I could invite everyone, though my parents would probably only let a few people come."

"Ah, I see."

Kaede is the most popular girl in school, and there is no reason as to why she shouldn't be. She isn't the smartest unless it comes to piano, though she is kind to everyone. Almost the entire school wants to be her friend.

I stepped away since I had to see my friend, though then the blonde haired girl stopped me for a second.

"W-wait, I have one for you.. You don't have to come though."

"Thanks Kaede, I'll try my best to come."

"Y-yeah thanks, bye Rantaro."

"Bye." I smiled and then walked away.

Whilst walking to the fountain, where I meet my friend every day, I looked at the invitation. It was pink, and decorated with hearts and glitter. It was typical of Kaede to work hard to make everything pretty, she likes to be the best she can.

I opened the envelope, the party was on March the 26th at 9pm.

It seems like a highschool party, I'll definitely go.

I then entered hopes peak academy's gardens, and saw my friend quietly reading beside it.

"Boo." I said.

"AH." Korekiyo screamed, falling over.

"If you're supposed to be the creepiest guy in this school, why do you get so scared."

He ignored what I said and carried on reading. I looked at his book and started to read with him, which gave me an excuse to get close to him.

"So are you going to Kaede's party?"



There was a silence.

"Kaede is stupid." Kiyo said, ending the silence that I thought would last forever.

"Why, may I ask?"

"Because.... Nevermind."

Nobody's Pov.

Korekiyo really hated Kaede because it was obvious that she liked Rantaro, and Rantaro would definitely choose her over him, though he couldn't say that to Rantaro. Rantaro is straight.

March 27th.

Rantaro's Pov.

Kaede's party was great, though I can't stop thinking about something...

<<Flashback to March 25th, 4pm>>

"R-Rantaro...?" Kaede said, walking up to Rantaro.


"Could I maybe ask you something?"


"W-well.. It's really hard for me to say this but... Do y-you think we could maybe become more than friends... Like a couple?" Kaede said.

"I'm sorry Kaede, though I like someone else."

"Oh.... Ok." Kaede's head of golden curls dropped in the sadness of rejection, finding it hard to accept the fact that everyone loved her, apart from the boy she actually loves...

But it's ok lol because some time later she got with Shuichi.

31st July.

Korekiyo's Pov

Of course everyone forgot. It's not like anyone cares about my birthday anyway... Everyone is probably celebrating because there are only seven more months until Kaede's next birthday anyway.

I was on the floor, crying. Nobody ever remembers my birthday. It's always stupid Kaede because she's pretty and popular and it's pretty obvious that Rantaro and her like each other. Though I can't hate her... She's the definition of perfect. She's done nothing wrong. Though I can't help wishing I was Kaede.

I guess she is better than me though, so I'll just have to deal with being alone every birthday.

"Hey, Kiyo, can you let me in?" I heard a knock at the door, followed by Rantaro's sweet voice that I love hearing so much.

I opened the door.


He hugged me. "Happy birthday Kiyo!"

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