Chapter 11

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Tw: manipulation and emotional abuse

(Y/n)'s POV

You had just made home after your fight with Monoma. You started to dig in your backpack for your keys when your phone started to ring. You rushed and got your keys while trying to get your phone from your pocket. Finally having everything settled you looked at the screen seeing Monoma's name. Should you answer? What could he possibly want after yelling at you like that? Hitting decline you made your way in the house.

No surprise to see that your mom wasn't home. She had been working multiple jobs for as long as you could remember. As for your father? He left before you were born. Your mom never talked much about him but when she only said how much they loved each other and how much you reminded her of him. She only briefly mentioned that he left because his line of work was too dangerous for you guys to be involved in. You didn't hate him for leaving, you understood and you wished him the best.

After taking your shoes off and putting your bag down you walked to the kitchen to make something to eat. You started to take some ingredients out to make (f/f). About halfway through your preparations, you heard your phone ringing. You stopped what you were doing, washed your hands, and grabbed your phone.

And again it was Monoma. You decided to answer this time. You did feel bad for making him go through all that pain just because of work. Should you apologize? It was your fault that he was mad.

"Hello?" you were nervous but you knew you had to talk.

"...Hey (Y/n).. can we talk?" he sounded tired.

"Uhm yea."

"It's about...earlier"





"I'm sorry. I didn't know that my work was coming in between us. promise that I will start giving you all my attention after I finish the last song of Vivian's album."

"That's all I was asking for, I'll happily wait."

~~~(Time Skip)~~~

After you and Neito finally made up you began to hurry up and rush the last song of the album. For some reason you felt the need to never let Neito down or make him upset.

At the moment you were sitting in your office getting ready to send the final draft of the last song to Vivian's publishers. After looking over it for the 5th time trying to make sure there were no errors you hit send.

You took a deep breath and slouched in your chair. Finally you had time to relax. 'I wonder why Vivian made me do practically everything, isn't this her album? Actually I shouldn't really worry about that, at least it'll get my name and work out there so I can possibly get signed to someones label.'

As you took a minute to relax you heard a knock on the door.

"Uhm come in." you weren't expecting anyone so you kinda jumped. When the door opened Vivian poked her head through.

"Hey bestie! I just got word that you finished the album. You ready to record?" Vivian seemed really cheerful.

"Oh yea- wait! What do you mean record? I thought you were going to sing the songs." She had told you that you may be singing with her but never went into detail about it.

"Duh. I need you on the album so that people can hear you and know you when we release it." She spoke as if she was actually planned to allow that.

"Oh ok lets go." you were excited but you knew that if you didn't hurry things up Neito would be upset.

You both made your way to the recording studio. When you went inside you saw people already setting things up. While you were scanning the room Vivian took the time to converse with the crew.

"Hey everyone this is Y/n. Y/n this is the recording crew, the mean looking one with wavy black hair is Kazuhiko, the baby face looking sweetheart is Hori, and that cutie over there is Okane." After she had introduced you, you took the time to get a good look at them.

Kazuhiko really did look mean, he had a septum piercing, large round glasses, and cross earrings. His eyes were the same jet black as his hair, although his left eye had a huge scar over it and a small mole under it. You wanted to ask what happened to him but decided against it as it might be intruding. He wore a black and white button up with the first few buttons undone and plain black jeans. Next to him was Hori. Hori had slightly tanned skin (light skin face) and long bro that was pulled into a ponytail leaving out his bangs. His eyes were heterochromatic, one being green and the other pupil being in an unnaturally shaped red heart. He wore a red button up shirt with black jeans. Okane sat on the arm of Hori's chair. She had short wavy hair that stopped under her ears. Her skin tanned with lighter colored spots everywhere signaling that she had vitiligo, it didn't change how beautiful she was. She wore a frilly white off the shoulders shirt with light blue ripped jeans. Attached to her ear were earrings in the shape of heart lollipops.

"Uhm Hey I'm Y/n Vivian's-" Vivain cut you off.

"Best friend! She also sings so she will sing the songs of the first album with me." She was an incredible actress, better than her singing anyway. Vivian couldn't let anyone outside of the necessary people know about her plan.

"Yea Yea we get it you're R/n and you're here to record let's hurry this up I can go home." The raspy voice came from Kazuhiko, at least you remembered his name...can't say the same for him.

"It's Y/n, I'm surprised you kept a job this long considering you can't remember something as simple as a name." You normally were nice but as they say, match energys.

"And I'm surprised you're actually here considering that musical audition, J/n" Kazuhiko retorted.

Sadly you didn't have a quick enough comeback for that since you were wondering how he knew. You didn't remember seeing him there, so how could he have known unless... You looked at Vivian. 'Could she have?...nah my best friend wouldn't embarrass me like that, I trust her, possibly with my life. She's always been there for me and has never betrayed me.'

"Hey cool it Kazu, she's just a kid. Hey Y/n I'm sure you'll do fine." Vivian was right Hori really was a sweetheart.

"Yea what Hori said. I'm sorry for him Y/n, he's usually like this so just ignore him like the rest of us." Okane ressasured you with Hori. Their smiles really brighten the mood.

"Ok now that that's over with lets get started." Vivian announced. She was kinda sad that Kazuhiko had stopped insulting you, it was funny to her.

You and Vivian had made your way into a small recording part of the room. There were very professional mics in front of you. You really didn't want to use them in fear of breaking them and causing more money problems for your mom.

"Ok so you'll record today and I'll record tomorrow. Just put these headphones on and we'll give you the cues to start ok? Ok." Vivian gave the info you needed and left quickly before you could ask questions. You sighed and very carefully put the headphones on.

"Ok can you hear me well Y/n?" Okane asked through her headphones.

"Yeah it's good." Your voice was slightly shaky from fear of performing in front of people you just met.

"Y/n go ahead and take a deep breath for me." You obeyed. "You've got this babes just imagine your at home in front of a mirror, we can actually bring one in if you'd like." Okane's voice really did help calm you.

"Thank you Okane. And there's no need for that" You were a little less scared now.

"Alright you'll start with Dream Boy in 3..2..1" Okane gave the count down for Hori to start the music.

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