Chapter 5

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(Y/n) was happily walking back to the choir room, forgetting that her chance to be the lead of the musical was now gone thanks to her so called best friend. The (h/c)-haired girl finally reached the door only to find her green-headed companion.

"Hey Izuku, what's up?"

"U-uhm, (Y/n), did you not see me when you opened the door?"

"THAT WAS YOU?! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry"

Midoriya sweat dropped at hearing this. He had known (Y/n) for a whole year now and was still surprised by her personality changes.

"Y-yea, I was seeing if we w-were still walking home today, s-since you haven't been these passed few days."

(Y/n) hadn't been hanging out with Midoriya as much as she usually did. Messing with him was one of her favorite things to do and she felt bad for missing those moments. That doesn't mean she wouldn't pass this moment to tease him.

"Aww, Izuku if you missed me that's all you had to say~"

Midoriya blushed hard trying to explain in incoherent yelps that, that wasn't what he meant.

"I'm only joking," she giggled, "we can start walking after I get my stuff" she walked passed him into the choir room. Her (e/c) eyes landed on the group of three that seemed very happy about something. Hearing the door they turned to look at her.

"(Y/n)!" Monoma yelled running over to her. He picked her up in a big hug. They were both surprised by this act. Monoma pushed himself off the girl and cleared his throat. "Sup...idiot."

The (h/c)-haired girl giggled. "Hi Monoma, I just came back to get my stuff," she looked towards the choir teacher, "Thank you for this opportunity. I'm sorry that I couldn't do more to prove myself." Mrs. Takahashi placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"You did all you could, but at least you still have the chance to perform if Vivian doesn't show."

'Like that's going to happen' Vivian thought, smirking to herself.

~~~(Time skip/Two days before the musical)~~~

{(Y/n)'s POV)}

For the past few weeks Bakugou has been helping me with my confidence, well if you could call it help. He had mostly been yelling at me to see how long I could go without crying or getting my feelings hurt. He was also making me act meaner. Like whenever Izuku would ask me to hangout he'd be hovering over me, telling me to deny. I felt bad but this would all help in the long run.

We had also been practicing for the musical, even if I knew Bakugou wasn't trying. Vivian had been acting a little strange towards me as well, but ignored it. Maybe it's because I've been hanging out with Bakugou a lot more. She still had Monoma, even though they might hate each other, they seemed to get closer. Anyways, today we will be setting up the stage, the others have been working so hard and seeing everything come together will feel amazing.

I walked into the drama room, ready to be told my job for the day. Before I made my way through the door I was grabbed by the wrist. My (e/c) eyes scanned the person until they met with grey ones.

"Hey, Monoma, What's up?"

"GO OUT WITH ME?!" he screamed with his eyes closed.

"Of course!" I screamed back.

"R-really? I mean yea I knew you'd say yes." he said trying to remain within his persona.

"Well it's not like I haven't liked you since last year." I said sarcastically, while rolling my eyes.

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