Chateau Trouvaille

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Chateau Trouvaille
A Chateau consisting of writers discovered by pure talent and chance.

Chateau Trouvaille aims to create a community of aspiring writers to get to know each other better, to be of help to one another and to form a bond amongst writers. It is made for the sole purpose of being a virtual home for our writers. To be their virtual sanctuary and solace.

A french mansion or house.

It is a french word by orientation and nature. Interestingly enough it defines the event of finding something of value say an artifact or a gold reserve. This word represent our passion and our drive not to give up on our dreams. It is a reward at the end of a tunnel of hard work and perseverance. Take action in your life and find your Trouvaille.

Trouvaille is a Chateau consisting of three Big Chambers;

Your tears, your perseverance, your pain, will not be put in vain. A day not far from now, all your hardworks will pay off and you'll finally receive the recognition and fulfillment you deserve.

Just like any other problem and hardships, there will come a time that it will pass. Just like the coldness of winter, it'll somewhat end. As you close your eyes and feel the gentle breeze, you know, spring time is coming.

An alignment of three celestial bodies. Problems, hardships and pain. Though this things occur, know that there is always a bright side wherein you'll realize it's beauty, the moment it's gone. The way you've gotten wiser, fiercer and stronger because of it. It makes you feel, that no matter what's there to come, you'll get through it all.

Each member has their own unique characteristics and strength which the CT is proud of.

Through this literary folio, we hope to share, inspire, acknowledge, and cherish each and every work of our members.

Because this Chateau is lucky, to be a home of such talented, exceptional and amazing writers.

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