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chapter twenty-four:second chances !

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chapter twenty-four:
second chances !


AS IF IT couldn't be more of a relief, East High's production of Beauty and the Beast was finally over. Athena finally felt most of the nerves fade away and the weight was suddenly lifted off of her shoulders. Ricky's transformation had honestly gone pretty well despite not having his harness, and as the two of them locked eyes underneath the lights during curtain call, Athena had never been happier. She had just completed her first show as a lead and her relationship with Ricky was basically mended again. What more could she ask for?

She was now back in her regular clothes. Some of the stage makeup was still on, but she didn't mind. Kourtney was now dragging her and Ricky along to the bomb shelter where the rest of the cast was gathered. They were in the middle of trying to remove all of Ricky's Beast makeup, but Kourtney insisted that they should tell everyone how the transformation went.

"O my God, y'all," Kourtney announced, scurrying into the room with Ricky and Athena right behind her. "Ricky's transformation."

"Wait, how'd it look?" Lauryn, one of the dancers, asked.

"Honestly?" Kourtney glanced over at Ricky and Athena. "Passable."

The whole room cheered. Ricky quickly squeezed Athena's arm and went to go put down the mannequin head that had his Beast mask on it.

Nini's gaze then solely focused on Athena. "Hey, give it up for our star!"

They cheered again. Athena smiled gratefully at all of them, practically glowing. She completely missed the way Ricky was staring at her like she was the only girl in the whole room. However, her heart slightly sank upon noticing that Violetta was nowhere to be seen.

"Aw, thank you guys," Athena voiced. "Really, it means a lot. Especially after I felt like I was going to throw up . . . multiple times."

"Speaking of that, uh, has anyone seen my boyfriend?" Ashlyn questioned. "It feels like I've been missing him all night."

"I think he pushed himself a little hard," Carlos admitted.

"But I'm pretty sure he left a letter at your locker," Ricky added.

"Uh, couple letters, actually," EJ stated.

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄  ―  r. bowen ²  ✓Where stories live. Discover now