Mister President

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It was a dark, stormy night. The rain was pouring down hard. People were just getting home from their jobs. A normal night in the big country of L'Manberg.

All was quiet except for one man. The president. Wilbur Soot. He was sitting in his office finishing up some paperwork. He'd been hoping he wouldn't have to stay too long, but now he worried he might be here for another hour or two.

Sighing, Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose. He was exhausted, it was clear in his chocolate brown eyes. He missed the comfort of his soft and warm bed, but he had a duty to his country.

Though, he couldn't help but long for something, anything interesting to happen. As he dipped his quill into his ink bottle the lights flickered. He slowly raised his head, blotting the ink on the paper.

"That's odd. "

Wilbur muttered to himself. Soon enough the lights went out, leaving him in complete darkness. He slowly pushed his chair from his desk and got to his feet. Stretching a bit. He made his way towards the window only for his eyes to widen in surprise. Nobody else's power had gone out.

"That's really odd.. "

Wilbur said a bit louder this time. He squinted his eyes a bit and raised an eyebrow. There was the familiar sound of a crossbow being loaded. That alerted him to the danger just in front of him.

Just as the arrow came spinning toward him, Wilbur swerved out of the way. It only scraped his shoulder, making him hiss quietly. He looked towards the mysterious person in the darkness. He could only make out a cracked white mask with a smiley face on it.

"Well, not what I was expecting. You're an assassin, right? You're here to kill me assume. "

The assassin was silent. Holding the crossbow up to point at Wilbur's forehead. The said brunette only lowered his head, lifting his arms up in the air and grinning.

"Don't talk much, hm? You seem skilled. You probably like to do it quick. But I wonder what else you're quick at. "

That was a mistake. The assassin seemed to get angry at that for they had loaded their crossbow again and pointed it at Wilbur's chest.

"No need to get mad. I'm only curious. It does get a bit lonely you know. I just want somebody to hold.. To kiss.. To fu-"

Another arrow came zooming towards Wilbur, fortunately he dodged right in time. He chuckled a bit and lowered his arms. Shaking his head.

"Aren't you scared? I mean I could kill you! "

Finally, the assassin had spoke. Wilbur's grin got wider when he heard a man's voice. This was getting really interesting now.

"Your voice is very hot, you know. It makes my mind wonder.. What would you sound like screaming my name? "

Wilbur, chill. This man can kill you. The assassin seemed to hesitate slightly, so Wilbur took his chance. In one swift movement he had the poor helpless assassin pinned to the wall. The crossbow lay forgotten on the floor.

"What's under this mask of yours? I hope you're as handsome as I think you are. "

Wilbur pulled off the mask and tossed it to the floor. His grin getting wider at the flustered face now revealed to him. The assassin kept his eyes far from Wilbur's, being the embarrassed, hot mess he was.

"Awww, are you shy? Do you have a name for that pretty face of yours? "

Wilbur moved the assassin's hands to just one of his hands then used the other to lift his chin. How to not get killed 101 with Wilbur fucking Soot.

"I-I didn't think it's b-be this hard... "

Wilbur chuckled and booped the assassin's nose. He was clearly having too much fun with this.

"That's what all the others thought before they came face to face with me. But I like you so I might keep you around, cutie. Mind telling me your name now? "

It was silent for a few moments. The poor assassin appeared to be struggling for air. Meanwhile, Wilbur was just smiling like the little shit he is.

"D-Dream... I'm Dream.. "

Dream's heart was beating 100 miles per minute. This moment was so intense. He could actually feel Wilbur's hot breath on his neck. He bit his lip and turned away, only for Wilbur to turn his head back. He was met with that stupid, but enticing smirk.

"Well, Dream, how would you like a tour of Mister President's home? Specifically, my bedroom. "

Dream narrowed his eyes and frowned. He needed to keep his cool. Not let this fucker get to him. He's better than that. Some flirting and suggestive ideas aren't gonna get to him.

"Bite me. "

Dream spat as he struggled in Wilbur's grasp. The said brunette just chuckled loudly and pat Dream's cheek. The blonde glared at him.

"If you want me to, I will. But I can tell you it won't be pleasant. If you're into that kind of stuff then I'll do anything to please my guest. "

Okay, this guy was really getting on Dream's nerves. He growled quietly and turned away again. However, he turned back when he felt Wilbur's grip disappear.

"Don't worry, I'll bail you out. Once you've had time to think about my offer. "

Confused, Dream raised an eyebrow, but he was quick to catch on when he brought his arms down and found them handcuffed. Well, fuck.

"Besides, orange isn't really your color. See you soon, Dreamy! "

And with that, Wilbur pressed a button on his desk. Before Dream could even say anything he was getting taken away. Well, he knew one thing for sure. He was definitely going to see Wilbur again.

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