What does the Fox say?

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"Hey Wilbur! Look what I caught! "

Wilbur looked over from where he was gathering firewood and raised an eyebrow at his younger brother. Tommy was holding a net with a small fox inside.

"I think this might be the little bitch who's been stealing our food. What should we do with it? Can we eat it? Is fox even good? "

Wilbur just chuckled quietly and set his logs down. He silently walked over to Tommy and kneeled down to look at the fox. The poor thing looked scared out of its mind! It made the brunette sigh.

"No, fix isn't actually that good. Hang the net up on one of those trees so it doesn't escape. We'll figure out what to do in the morning. "

It was late that night that Wilbur realized he'd made a mistake. He'd been sleeping peacefully when suddenly he heard a loud thud. His eyes shot open and he sat up quickly and glanced over at his sleeping brother's figure in the darkness.

Should he wake him up? No. Tommy needed sleep. Besides, he's strong. Wilbur crept out of their little hut and looked around. He could hear slow and quiet footsteps in the distance.

Upon looking up, he noticed the net Tommy had tied to the tree had been ripped open. The fox was nowhere to be seen. It must have escaped. But how?

Suddenly, it felt as if Wilbur was being watched. He turned around just in time to be tackled to the ground by a man. A naked man at that. Though, this man was a bit odd.. He had orange pointed fox ears along with a long soft tail resembling that of a fox's as well.

The man growled and kept quite a firm grip on Wilbur's wrists. Though, the brunette didn't seem to bothered by this. He was too busy checking the man out. Fucking weirdo.

Suddenly, the man yelped and was knocked off of Wilbur. Falling to the ground with a quiet thump. Tommy stood there holding a stick, he looked like a mad man.

"What the fuck?! Who is that?! "

Tommy yelled breathlessly as he helped his elder brother up onto his feet. Wilbur only shrugged and stared at the unconscious body of the mysterious fox man.

"I don't know, but he's naked. Very naked... "

Tommy let out a loud squeak of disgust and shielded his eyes. Hitting Wilbur repeatedly with his hand. The brunette chuckled and knelt down next to the man.

"You're such a fucking weirdo. Did you seriously check out a man who attacked you? "

Wilbur rolled his eyes and slowly picked up the man. Wrapping one of the man's arms around his shoulders. He quietly dragged him back to their hut where he lit a torch and well dressed the man. Common courtesy for naked people.

"I'm going to tie him to a tree. Where's the chains? "

Wilbur said as he leaned the man against the wall. His features had become more clearer. Besides the animal like features, ears + tail, he was quite attractive. Having light freckles dusting his cheeks and nose, dirty blonde hair that is a little curly, and his skin looked so soft. Not only that he looked very muscular.

Wilbur had to look away for a bit. God, this man is attractive. His thoughts were interrupted by Tommy walking in, chains dangling around his shoulders. He gave the brunette a disapproving look, having seen his flushed cheeks.

"I'm starting to think that you have a kink for like.. Weird animal people. First, it's fish, now a fox who literally just attacked you? "

Wilbur lightly punched Tommy in the shoulder and laughed a bit. Taking the chains from him and picking up the fox man he made his way outside.

"Tommy, you don't get it. I like attractive people. "

Early in the morning, Wilbur woke with a start. Something had been tickling his nose for quite some time and he was getting a bit annoyed. He'd decided to sleep outside to keep an eye on the fox man... Who appeared to be awake now.

"Well.. This is a bit awkward. "

The fox man commented quietly as his forest green eyes turned to look at Wilbur, who was rubbing his eyes groggily. He let out a yawn before he turned towards the fox man.

"Hey, you're the one who attacked me. I'd say this is fair punishment. "

The fox man didn't seem too bothered, instead he only smirked and leaned forward. Putting a bit of strain on the rusty, old chains wrapped around his lower torso.

"Punishment, hm? I know a thing or two about punishments. "

The fox man purred, which led to Wilbur snorting a bit. He covered his mouth and turned away. The fox man only grinned and leaned back against the tree.

"Are you.. Are you hitting on me? "

Wilbur finally asked. He raised an eyebrow and watched the fox man's eyes slowly travel up and down his body. This fucker was undressing him with his eyes wasn't he?

"That depends.. Is it working? "

Wilbur slapped a hand to his mouth and nodded. Feeling the heat rise to his face. This smooth bitch. God, he's so hot.

"By the way, I'm Dream. I'm that fox your brat of a brother caught. I've actually been watching you guys for awhile. You just never noticed because I'm so sneaky. "

Wilbur believed him. Dream was probably sneaky enough to crawl his way into his pants- wait stop thinking that. He narrowed his eyes slightly at Dream, a bit skeptical.

"Why have you been watching us? "

Dream leaned forward again and smirked. Showing his pointed pearly white teeth. There was a series of clanking noises as the chains around his lower torso fell to the ground.

"Wouldn't you like to know, lover boy? "

Dream's tail flicked up and slightly lifted Wilbur's chin up. He gave him a small wink before he leaped forward and shrunk into a small fox and scurried off.

"Wilbur! Where did he go?! "

Tommy yelled as he came rushing out, holding a stone sword. Wilbur only stared in awe, he might've been drooling.

"That's one hot fox.. "

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