Chapter 16

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•Sydney -20•



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"Let's go." I looked up at Killy.

"Where?" He was typing something on his phone.

"Don't worry about allat. Just go get dressed."

But I need to know where we going so I can pick the perfect outfit sir... Instead of asking more questions I just went upstairs to his closet and picked out a regular outfit. Some ripped jeans and a hoodie that's not mine.

As soon as I walked back into the living room he mugged me. If he doesn't want me wearing his clothes he should just get me a matching outfit.
"Bring me that shoe box out the closet."

"Why you didn't ask me before I went up there big head. Which one?" He had about 3 shoe boxes with money in them that I helped count whenever he brought back more.

"The big one in the back." Nodding I headed back to his room to get the box. Once I gave it to him we left out the house towards his car. Killian opened the door for me and set the box under my feet. "What's the time?" He asked while starting the car.

I looked down at my phone. "It's 4:56. You okay?" He ain't really tell me anything we just got up and left.

"I'm straight. Hm." He was holding his hand out to me. I smiled and laced my fingers with his. Killian kept driving until we pulled up to the house where I took him to pick up his car.

"C'mon. Bring the box."  I made sure I had my phone before grabbing the shoe box and getting out the car. Since I didn't really know what we were doing here I just followed behind Killian.

We walked around the house to the back porch instead of going through the front where a few people were. "Who's house is this?"

"Ion know, I think it's Rico uncle house or some shit. All I know is everybody be in dis bitch doing whatever." Before I could ask what we were waiting for a dude who didn't look much younger than me slowly walked over to Killy and I.

"Let me-" Dude tried to say something but Killian interrupted him.

"I don't give a fuck. Don't ever do no stupid bitch shit like that again." In the middle of KJ cussing him out he started staring at me. And Killian immediately noticed.

"Boston I'm not fucking playing witchu bro. I swear on my brother grave I will buss yo brains on this fucking pavement. This ain't a game grow the fuck up." This was the first time I heard him yelling at someone while he was actually pissed off. He turned to me and reached towards the box. "Let me get this. Thank you."

I just watched as Killian opened the box and took out a few hundreds and twenties before handing Boston the box. He grabbed my hand and we started walking back to the car.

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