Is Everything Back to Normal?

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Is that it? is it all finally over? Nova was launched out of the portal and had fallen over from the force of the portal and stress he had been feeling. He opened his eyes and saw the wooden floor he was laying on, he pushed himself up and saw that yes! He was back in the academy! However, Nova's excitement was cut short soon after when he saw Ryan laying face down on the floor next to him. "Ryan!" he called out and rolled him over, Ryan appeared to be alright. "Did... did we make it? Or did we die?.. is this heaven?" Ryan sat up and looked at Nova, "Oh, nope you're here so this definitely isn't heaven." Nova looked at Ryan with a pained expression on his face from what he said, "Hey..." he said sadly, Ryan quickly replied with "Dude I mean because you're a demon, demons aren't in heaven".

"Oh, right. Yeah that makes more sense." Nova replied, "Now if I saw Drew on the other hand, then I'd probably think I had died and gone to heaven." Ryan said as he stayed laying on the floor, "Wait a minute... that looks like the ceiling at the Academy!" he exclaimed, "What are the chances of that?" Nova mentally facepalmed, was Ryan really that braindead at the moment? "Ryan, we're AT the academy," Nova replied. "Oh yeah..." Ryan began "...AAAH WE FINALLY MADE IT BACK! OH MY GOD I'M SO GLAD I mean I do still have a bullet hole in me but WE'RE HOME! WE'RE HOME NOVA!" he shouted, his voice full of excitement and joy for the first time in a long time.

"RYAN! NOVA!" Several voices called out at once as basically all the Academy students and teachers ran up to them, "WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN!? I'VE BEEN SO WORRIED!" Yelled Unicorn Mann, "Awe, you worry about me, Unicorn?" Ryan replied in his usual snarky voice, "YES Ryan of course I- WAIT RYAN WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU!? ARE YOU OKAY!?" Unicorn Mann yelled again, all the students gasped when they saw Ryan's condition. "He's okay! Let me explain!" Nova said, but he was inturrupted by Olive before he could explain. "Explain later! Someone get Ryan to the nurse's office!" she yelled. Soon after came a sound that Ryan and Nova were both expecting to hear, but it took longer than expected for them to hear it: The sound of a high pitched voice shouting "CUTIE!"

"CUTIE OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!? WHO DID THIS TO YOU!?" Of course Tina was freaking out, she was freaking out the entire time they were gone! She had practically been tearing universes apart to try to find Ryan. "DID NOVA DO THIS!?" She yelled and ignited her lightsaber, "IF NOVA DID THIS JUST SAY THE WORD AND I'LL-" 

"TINA NO! It wasn't Nova!" Ryan quickly replied. Tina glared at Nova and put her lightsaber away, Nova shivered from Tina's glare but he didn't give and smart remarks like he usually would. He was just happy that he and Ryan had gotten home safe.

A few seconds later, Unicorn Mann had picked Ryan up via wish magic and was taking him down to the nurse's office. Tina followed close behind and as did a few others, Nova included. In fact Nova was almost ahead of Tina. Ryan was put onto a hospital bed in the nurse's office, thankfully due to all the gunplay and other insane things that happen in the Academy the nurse's office was prepared to deal with gunshot wounds with the required equipment. Everyone else had to wait outside the door while Ryan was settled in and given proper bandages to cover the injury. A few minutes passed, Olive came out and handed Nova his jacket that she'd taken off of Ryan and cleaned. "Ryan is expected to recover soon, but it might still be a while before he can partake in major activities. For example he will not be able to join in on games in the portal for quite a long time."

Nova dwelled on that idea for a moment, Ryan unable to join in on games through the portal? Just like how Nova and the others were never invited to do so. Meaning Ryan will be staying behind with them most days now! Nova smiled at the thought for a second before quickly forcing it away, why did the idea of being able to spend more time with Ryan make him feel... happy?

Most of the people who went to check if Ryan was gonna be okay went away, they weren't allowed in the nurse's office now anyway. The only two who stayed for longer were Nova and Tina. The two of them stood on opposite sides of the door and Nova was practically mentally begging her to not ask him 'Why are you suddenly acting so worried about Ryan?' Thankfully she didn't, but Nova expected that her eventually asking him that question was inevitable.

They stood there outside the nurse's office for the rest of the day, they just waited until Ivanna came and told them directly that it was time for them to head to bed. Tina got up and left but Nova hesitated for just a minute longer before heading back to his own dorm room. And once he did, God dang was he thankful to finally be laying back in his own bed again... only something felt... missing, once he laid down.

Nova stayed awake laying in bed for at least an hour, something just didn't feel right about how he was sleeping, something felt empty but he couldn't figure out what it was. But then he considered something...

Did he... miss cuddling with Ryan when going to sleep?

...NO! That can't be it! Sure hugging Ryan kept him warm but now he had an actual bed for that! Why would he miss cuddling Ryan!? Its just that thing about thinking he was cute from a few days before all over again! Nova did NOT think Ryan was cute, he did NOT miss cuddling with him at night and... no, NO!


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