Crushing Feeling

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A few days had now passed since the incident. Ryan was now able to move around freely for most of the day but still had to spend a bit of time in the nurse's office each day. He still had a bit of a limp as well but it was nothing too serious, overall his condition was improving slowly but greatly.

It was very late morning when Nova finally woke up and realised he had slept in. "Dang it!" he exlaimed, "I told myself I wwas gonna get a new alarm clock yesterday!.. God, this is the third alarm clock i've broken... this week." Nova pulled himself out of bed and got ready for the day, for a while he was not sure as to why he was so tired and slept so much longer than normal, but then he remembered he had stayed up until about 2 in the morning keeping Ryan company in the nurse's office.

After remembering that, Nova stood in silence in his room for a little while as he thought. Why did he suddenly care about Ryan so much to the point where he'd willingly stay up that late to be with him? Heck, Ryan probably fell asleep a while before Nova even left the office. Sure Ryan saved his life, but it wasn't the first time he saved him, and Nova saved Ryan's life too when he helped with the bullet wound so they should be even!.. and yet, Nova still felt the need and even the desire to be around Ryan, it was just starting to feel like there was another reason why, a reason bigger than just returning the favour for saving his life. But Nova just couldn't tell what it was.

Nova eventually snapped out of the thought and hurried to the Academy, once he got there he apologised to Olive and Ivanna for being late and took his seat. Everyone was bickering with one another about this and that but then Nova noticed something that made his heart skip a beat: Ryan was there too. Although Nova had slept past the time when Ryan, Unicorn, Tina and Logan went through the portal, Ryan was still here. But Logan, Unicorn Mann and even Tina were no where to be seen.

Nova got up and went over to Ryan, he sat down next to him but Ryan didn't seem to notice yet. He appeared to be deep in thought. Nova took the oppertunity to get a look at him, he could see the bandages sticking out from under his shirt, which was a relieving sight to say the least. Nova's eyes then trailed off of the bandages and up to Ryan's face, the sight almost made Nova crack a smile but he avoided it by breaking the silence. "So, you're not playing a game today?" He asked, Ryan jolted a little bit as Nova's voice took him out of whatever he was thinking about, "Huh? Oh uh yeah. Olive said I need to avoid doing things like that until i'm fully recovered, but honestly, after all that we went through, I'd probably be avoiding the portal anyway for a while." Ryan giggled a little bit, which cause Nova to finally crack that smile he was holding back.

"God dang it!" Nova thought to himself, "Why did that giggle make my smile!? Is something wrong with me!?" Nova tried his best to ignore the fact that Ryan's giggle made him smile by thinking about something else. Hmmm,  Ryan isn't gonna go through the portal for a while now, meaning he'll be staying behind so Nova will be seeing him a lot more often and... Did Nova just start smiling MORE at the thought of seeing Ryan more!? Oh god, he did!

"I'll... I'll be right back..." Nova said to Ryan before getting up and hurrying out the room. He went into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror, "Whats going on!?" He started to question, "Why do I feel this way... heck, why do I feel this way because of RYAN!? WHAT EVEN IS THIS FEELING!?" During Nova's inner monologue, the door to the bathroom opened and in walked Drew. Drew looked at his best friend in confusion for a while as Nova had not yet realised he was there, he walked up to him and gave him a soft nudge on the shoulder. "Nova? You okay bro?" Nova jumped when Drew did this, "AAH-... Oh, hey Drew... Uh, how are you?" He asked his angel friend, "I asked you first" replied the angel, to which the demon quickly replied with, "Me? Oh! Yeah I'm fine!... Totally fine!" he said with a nervous laugh.

Drew stared at the blonde with scepticism plastered all over his face. "Nova, be honest with me. You know I can tell when you're going through something." Drew crossed his arms and Nova mentally sighed, Drew was somehow always able to see right through him. "Its... its uh..." Nova began, Drew stood there patiently waiting for him to speak, "Go on". A few seconds passed before Nova finally let it all out, "ITS RYAN! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY BUT EVER SINCE WE WERE STUCK TOGETHER IN RUSSIA I KEEP GETTING THESE... FEELINGS WHENEVER I SEE HIM OR THINK ABOUT HIM! ITS LIKE I SEE HIM AND I START FEELING... HAPPY! BUT ALSO A LITTLE NERVOUS! AND ALL WARM AND FUZZY INSIDE! I DON'T GET IT! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!? ITS TEARING ME APPART DREW! I'M JUST SO CONFUSED!"

Drew's sceptic expression changed to shocked and confused, "Bro..." he began as he lowered his arms back to his side, "Nova... I think... no, I know what you're going through right now." Nova looked at Drew with desperation, "What is it Drew!? Please tell me! I need an explaination!" Nova basically begged. Drew took a deep sigh, he knew Nova probably wouldn't take this well but it had to be said sooner or later, "Nova..." he began "...Nova, you have a crush on Ryan."

Nova's expression dropped, he wasn't sure what to make of what Drew said at first, but then his breathing became noticably heavier and he once again started shouting. "W-WHAT!? WHAT THE HECK DO YOU MEAN BY THAT DREW!? I DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT! AND NEVER WILL, IN A MILLION YEARS, EVER HAVE A GOD DANG CRUSH ON RYAN! W-W-WHERE WOULD YOU EVEN GET SUCH A STUPID IDEA FROM!?" he snapped loudly, Drew wasn't phased much, he was used to Nova's yelling, "Oh really..." Drew said as he crossed his arms again, "Then how come as soon as I said you did, your cheeks suddenly went bright red?"

Nova slowly turned his head to look in the mirror again, and Drew was right, Nova was in fact... blushing? Nova quickly looked away again and started storming towards the door, "You have NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT DREW!" he shouted with a really shaky voice as he tore off the door to the bathroom during his quick escape from that conversation. "Whatever you say, all I'm gonna do now is point out how defensive you're being about it and leave it at a that." Drew said as Nova left, Nova was about to yell at Drew again but just speed walked away as quick as he could.

Drew watched him leave, he thought back to all the times he'd seen Ryan and Nova interact since they got back from Russia, the more he thought the more sure he was that Nova had fallen for his ex-rival in blue.  And he also had a feeling that maybe...

Just maybe...

Ryan was having a similar experience with his emotions...

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