Purple Chiseled Bricks

27 1 4

Before i start i would like to say, there will be no shipping unless the two have said they are okay with it. Otherwise its completely platonic. Thank you! Most of this book is just stories i can't finish and would like to turn into plots so feel free to comment or pm me! In this ill happily play Tommy!


2 days,

5 days,

2 weeks,

A month..

Who knows.. who knows just how long the sixteen year old spent in that room, closed off from the rest of society. The rest of the SMP.

Friends, family. Hell, even strangers would have been better than this new Hell he stumbled right into. It was right infront of his bright blue eyes for God sake, why couldn't he have just seen just what he started, what he had caused. Well. Not exactly, Tommy supposed.

How could this man, his manipulator, have planned this. He only just came up with the idea to visit just one last time. Yet that had cost his near future. No one in their right mind would want to have spent their time with Dream, let alone Tommy. It made him sick, sick to his stomach. Exile all coming back to him at once, the nerves coming back again as he paced and paced and paced. Like he had done for the last couple hours. Not only had he paced, he pestered. He pestered the other since he got here and he sure as Hell wasn't going to stop now. Either with stupid questions or screaming for Sam to help. His pleas just echoing as they had for the past however long it had been. Who knew, the clock had gone and they had stopped getting new ones as they always ended up in the bright lava that trapped the two in the small space.

The more the teen spend in the box the more closed off, smaller it got. He was letting everything get to his head, especially Dream. How he hated it, but he couldn't seem to ignore him. By now it was either have a conversation or listen to the crackling of fire. He already tired the second after his first spatt with Dream but it ended up with him poking fun at Dreams mask. After his mask it had become much more personal. The more he waited for Sam the more pushy he'd get, not that the other man helped. He was like a little bug in his ear, telling him things he didn't want to hear. Until he snapped, and snap he most certainly did.

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