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Jungeun was in the middle of teaching a class when she saw two girls in the back who were using their phones while frantically looking at Jungeun who was unaware of the situation.

Is this her?

Are you sure it’s her?

Jungeun clears her voice trying to get the attention of the two girls but before she could say anything, she sees the school’s director at the door with a serious face.

“Ms. Kim, please come with me” the director said, Jungeun nodded before letting the class leave and now had started walking over to the director’s office.

Once they arrived at the office, the director made Jungeun sit down a bit scared that she was going to get bad news to which she was correct. The next thing that the director showed her shocked her, making her freeze up.

“Is this you?” the director asked, showing her a post someone posted saying that Jungeun had harassed  one of her students.

“That’s me but I didn’t do that..” Jungeun admitted.

“I’m sorry Ms. Kim but I can’t let you be close to my students, the school will look bad because of you, this is becoming big news and I don’t want to be involved, have a nice day” Jungeun was fired, Jungeun grabs her things before running away from the school

“Jungeun, come to my school the director wants to talk to you..” she hears her mom say before cutting the call, Jungeun ruffled her hair before sighing as she now continued to walk she hears another call incoming and the id names it’s Jiwoo so she quickly answers.

“Hey Jungeun, I read that post, who pranked you? Are you okay?” Jiwoo asked from the other line making Jungeun hum as a response.

“It was probably Jisung, the night we returned, he said he liked me and I rejected him” Jungeun explained, Jiwoo sucked in between her teeth as she felt bad for Jungeun.

“So he slandered you, damn..I didn’t expect the guy with an innocent face to turn out as a snake” Jiwoo said with an upset tone, Jungeun hummed in agreement.

“Can we just ignore it?” asked Jungeun, not really wanting to talk about it.

“Don’t worry, people will forget about this drama once there is a new one” Jiwoo assured her, Jungeun stayed silent for a bit as Jinsoul came to her mind, wondering if Jinsoul had read the post.

“Hey woo..do you think Jinsoul..”

“I sent Jinsoul the post but she hasn’t read my message” Jiwoo explained to her, Jungeun sighed in a mixture of relief and disappointment.

“Thank you Jiwoo, that’s okay, I got to go, I love you bye” Jungeun thanked her as she saw that she was close to her mom’s school.

“Love you too Jungie” Jiwoo says before Jungeun hanged up the call once she arrived at her mom’s school.

Jungeun felt hesitant to enter since she already received one bad news, what else can go wrong, right? Jungeun enters the director’s office where she sees Jisung’s dad which Jungeun remembers he is the director of the school, Jungeun sits next to her mom.

“What did you do to my son?” he asked in a serious voice, Jungeun gave him a confused look meanwhile Jungeun’s mom had started to look at her.

“I didn’t do anything..” Jungeun defended herself, making the director give her a look of unbelif.

“You most certainly did!” he raised his voice. “I saw you with my own eyes, don’t defend yourself”

He turns his head back over to Jungeun’s mom who hadn’t been speaking the whole entire time. .“Teacher Kim what have you been teaching your daughter”

“This has nothing to do with my mom! Jisung started it!” Jungeun exclaimed the director couldn't help but laugh.

“He’s just a kid, unlike you, you are an adult” he responded before turning his head to Jungeun’s mother.

“Jisung said your daughter followed him home” he explained. Jungeun's mom continues to stay silent as she looks at her daughter with an unreadable expression.

“That isn’t true, Jisung lied, I didn’t do it” Jungeun pleaded, making the director scoff.

“I should take this to the police” he ordered, Jungeun nodded slowly.

“As you wish, let the police see who’s lying” Jungeun truthfully said and he crossed his arms as he laid back on his chair.

“I forbid you from coming close to my son and my students, don’t even set foot in this school” he threatened to which Jungeun was taken back.

“I said I didn’t do it!” Jungeun now yelled, Jungeun’s mom puts her hand on her shoulder to comfort her as she tried to calm her down.

“Jungeun calm down, let go home..” Jungeun’s mom excused them as the two now left his office, the whole way home was silent, Jungeun constantly checking her phone to see who else texts her but nothing.

Once they arrived home, Jungeun’s mom looked at Jungeun before slowly shaking her head and walking upstairs meanwhile Jungeun stayed down on the stairs as she couldn't help but let tears run down, she saw her mom come down the stairs and walk over next to Jungeun.

“You believe me, do you?” Jungeun asked, her mom nodded, Jungeun let out a sniffle as she tried to fix herself and stop crying.

“I know my daughter could have never done something like that” Jungeun’s mom responded, now reaching for Jungeun’s hand to comfort her. “It’s okay, I didn’t say anything because it was no use”

“I raised you, I know you, Jungeun” she continued before hugging Jungeun and letting Jungeun rest on her shoulder for a moment until she realized her daughter had fallen asleep after a couple minutes.

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