Try not to laugh (Lando Norris x Reader)

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Summary: y/n and Lando have a try not to laugh challenge as a part of the McLaren weekly challenge and they both fail miserably

A/n: there are names of prominent right wing figures, and as much as I don't know them doesn't mean you don't have to. Please conservatives in here don't attack me. 

Y/n PoV

Today was the day of the McLaren Challenges. I never really despised a good challenge, especially because it was some kind of distraction from the constant working me and Lando were put through.

Usually F1 drivers were bound by their contracts to remain politically neutral, but being an active political commentator on twitch as my second job allowed me to be excluded from that rule, as it would affect my income. In the two years of being involved politically in different modern day issues, I had clashed with several prominent right wing figures, for example Kaitlin Bennet, otherwise known as the gun girl, Charlie Kirk and even Ben Shapiro couldn't resist putting his foul mouth in my business.

Needless to say that it was fun for me, and it was fun for the fans, who mostly agreed with me. The clashes turned into Twitter clap-backs and the clap-backs turned into memes.

We were doing a try not to laugh, but the videos weren't just random, they were specifically selected to relate to us for the best effectiveness. I sat down in my spot and Lando sat in his, next to me. The camera people handed us two big water bottles "the challenge is to hold the water in your mouth as much as you can, and the person with the wettest t shirt at the end of the challenge loses" one of them explained.

"Good thing I'm wearing black then" I joked, making everyone laugh. Both me and Lando put the water in our mouths, nervously glancing at each other.

Let's just say that since the day he walked on me changing there was always some sexual tension.

"I think I'm gonna fail because I literally laugh at anything. The dumbest shit will always get me" I explained to the camera. Lando on the other hand looked pretty confident "I feel like if I ignore your laughter I'll be mostly fine. I'm so sorry Y/n, but your laughter is so contagious"'

"This one is for Y/n" said the person behind the camera. Great. The video started with me driving around the track on Friday "y/n can we have a radio check please?" My box manager said. "When I was nine years old I developed a crush on Anakin Skywalker as a grown man" I said casually on the radio, then the clip cut to Kaitlin Bennet saying "well that's not very progressive of you".

I couldn't hold it in, so I immediately spit on myself in laughter "dammit" I mumbled, watching Lando attempting to hold it together. "To my defence I literally laugh at Kaitlin Bennet for being Kaitlin Bennet" I said to the camera, still chucking a bit. Lando was allowed to spit the water in the bin next to him "this was exactly what I was talking about. I shouldn't have found it as funny as I did, but I don't wanna get in trouble".

"This next one is for Lando" the crew announced. "I feel like I'll be laughing at all of them" I mumbled before putting more water in my mouth along with my teammate.

There was a clip from his interview a few races ago "and how about the confrontation with Y/n before she joined McLaren? Did you two make up or is it still an awkward gap in your soon to be friendship?" The interviewer asked Lando. He shrugged and explained "its a bit on a long explanation" before the screen showed a Spongebob "one hour later" meme, and it went right to the end of his answer "so, that's the shortest way I can put it, it's a bit of an iffy subject, especially with her now being my teammate". Then the clip cut out to the interviewer asking me the same question and me saying "he can fuck off".

It was Lando's turn to spit out the water and choke on laughter, but I was still holding something in. I was then allowed to spit the water in my bin, as he was still laughing like crazy and getting his breath back. "I said a whole essay" he squealed, not trying to hold back his amusement. Me in the other hand, I was very calm "the only reason I didn't laugh" I said "was because I looked like shit in that interview. But I still stand by what I said, you should've let me past".

Lando turned to me and said "really?" in a fake offended tone. I playfully hit his arm and we went back to facing the screen. The next video was for me.

At first you could see me driving down the track during a race, and I almost bumped into Lando, who put his middle finger up. "Was that a middle finger or an erection?" there was my voice playing in the team radio "actually forget that he doesn't even have a 3 inch dick", then as of it couldn't get any worse, the clip cut out the a Ben Shapiro clip of him saying "give me the source. Where do you get your information?". That was it. I spit the water out, and it also went through my nose, and Lando next to me was in a similar condition.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't reason: all I could do was cling onto Lando as an instinct while we were both laughing our asses off, with no pause whatsoever. His eyes were red and tears were coming down his cheeks "he's crying" I shouted and pointed at him, which made our fit of laughter just intensify even more. The people behind the camera were both fairly amused themselves, and surprised as they did not know why we found it so overly hilarious.

I found it hysterical. Who edited these? They deserved some kind of reward or recognition, because if their aim was to make us laugh, I could safely say that they more than succeeded. We didn't stop laughing, forgetting about all that awkwardness revolving our previous time together.

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