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You excitedly drank your water, sitting at the bleachers of the big volleyball court. Yukie was sitting next to you, cheering the team on. Akaashi sat next to yukie.

"Not sure. Oh! He's over there near the net" Yukie described. You weren't sure how you didn't see him.

You nodded your head. You looked at the group of boys stretching, getting prepared for the match.

However, to the right of you, you could feel someone staring at you. You turned your head hesitantly, realizing it was Kyotani.

"Oh, hey Kyotani." You calmly greeted. It's better than ignoring him like he wasn't there. He casually waved, eating his chips.

Although you two were good friends in highschool, it was really awkward. Just because.

"You dating him?" He pointed at Osamu, who was still stretching. You nodded, squinting. Did Kyotani ever learn that pointing at someone could attract their attention. "Yeah."

"Oh, that makes sense."

You tilted your head. "Hey, who did you come to watch for?"

"Oikawa and Sakusa. They're cool I guess. What about you? Oh wait, nevermind,"

You held in your breath nervously. Conversations with Kyotani have never been this hard before.

"I heard yahaba goes here. Do you know which club he's in?" Kyotani asked.

You hesitated. "Uh...I definitely heard of him being here, but no...let me call someone." You gestured him to wait.

Then, you could hear the coaches yell and the whistles blow. The first set was starting and you were just opening your phone.

"Shit, the games starting hurry up." Kyotani rushed you, being the impatient dude he was. It wasnt like you couldn't call, but it was gonna get loud real fast and he wanted answers now.

"Geez, okay okay." You quickly dialed Yachi's number as she was in the student council. Osamu was staring at you from the court, getting ready to play.

He squinted his eyes, focusing on you and Kyotani butting heads against eachother, listening to the phone.

"Hey, samu. Pay attention." Atsumu shook him. "No wondering your mind into the crowd." He continued to nag.

Groaning, Osamu looked away.

Yachi then picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Yachi!" You aggressively whispered while staring at Kyotani. He had wide eyes, trying to signal to you to speed up. "Uh, can you find out which club yahaba is in?"

"Oh no need. He came to talk to me earlier this week. He's not in any club, but he mainly tends the garden on the rooftop of the dorm building. Why?" She questioned.

"Oh, thanks! I'll explain to you later. Gotta go. Bye!" You whispered, hanging up. You fed Kyotani the information and he thanked you.


The game was over, and you were waiting for Osamu near the exit of the building. You were leaning against a wall, mostly playing around with your phone.

Quietly, Osamu walked out of the gym, noticing you. He turned a cold shoulder on you however, not stopping to wait for you.

You looked up and slipped your phone back into your bag. "Wait, Osamu!" You dashed up to him.

"What's wrong? Did you not see me?" You raised an eyebrow, grabbing onto his shoulder. He shook his head, rolling his eyes.

He didn't exactly want to ignore you and hurt your feelings. He was just upset. "Then what's wrong?"

"Well. I saw you talking to your highschool friend today. And you two looked like you had loads of fun." He commented, not making eye contact. "I don't mind it but....I was just..."

Osamu respected your friendships and boundaries but he didn't exactly get along with Kyotani especially.

So this is what it's about.


"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. We're going to your house, right?" You asked. He nodded his head.

"Let's go have some fun there. And...about Kyotani he was just talking to me about yahaba and his teammates." You explained so he wouldn't think anything of it.

"Atsumu is drinking with Bokuto and Hinata, so we'll have the house to ourselves. Let's go." He held your hand, smiling.

Osamu felt relieved and so did you. He didn't want you to be mad at him for getting jealous and you didn't want him to ignore you.

"Hey, this counts as one of our dates, okay?" Osamu asked.

"Mm, okay. So the one on Wednesday will be our second?" You clarified. Osamu approved.

Back at the house, Osamu already had the cans of alcohol in his fridge. While he was in the shower, you set all the drinks and snacks up at the living room.

"So the beer is here....I have the snacks here..." you muttered to yourself.

Hopefully after he's done you two would be able to get right into the snacks.

Then, the bathroom door almost swung open. You turned around, about to ask Osamu something about his house that you observed.

"Ah. I feel much better." He groaned, stretching.

You froze, blinking blankly. This was the first time you've ever seen Osamu wear something besides a plain hoodie and sweatpants.

He had shorts and a tshirt on.

"Ooh, you set it up for me. Thanks!" He patted your back, opening a can of beer right off the bat.

"No problem."

You opened yours, and clanked each other's bottles together. You took a sip, listening to whatever Osamu was saying.

Osamu sighed. "Hey, how about...whoever loses has to....."

You were waiting for him to finish. Hopefully it wasn't something that took a lot of work. Or something that was sappy.

"Oh, I got it. The loser has to call one person of the winner's choice, drunk. You in?" He laughed, getting excited.

Osamu was betting that he'd probably win because he drank more than you did. But obviously, you weren't planning to give up.

"Sure whatever. I guess it's not too much." You agreed. Leaning against the couch, a question popped into your mind. "Hey, what if we both get knocked out at the same time?"

Osamu thought about it for a few seconds before putting down the beer can.

"Then we both lose."

"But then what's the penalty?"

"Uh.....we can think about that later." He waved his hand, blankly smiling.

You grabbed a few chips, looking around his house while eating. You noticed a few photos of him and Atsumu as children.

They looked somewhat identical although they had different hair and eye colors.

"Woah, you played volleyball from a young age, huh?" You noticed, looking at one of the photos.

"Huh? Yeah. Atsumu was a little too competitive even back then." He rolled his eyes.

You took another sip until you heard Osamu open another can. You furrowed your eyebrows as you turned to face him. "You're already done?" You gasped.

He nodded proudly.

"Yeah. I'll wait for you to finish yours. And then we can start the next can." He beamed, smirking.

So competitive.

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