Chapter 4: It Is Not Ethical to Steal From Someone

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He was convinced now that the world hates him. He was certain that some entity was out to get hum. Very certain that if only his body was not aching right now, he would probably cuss whoever that got this idea of moronic attempt on punishung him. Totally uncool.

Agruably, he was exaggerating with the "hate" part. 

No one could blame him for his exasperation though. After experiencing a humiliating death, he was now bedridden to an unknown place, too tired to even open his eyes.

Speaking of body aches, the last time he felt this horrible was when he was still in the Underground. He already forgot how awful it was. Good thing, the bed was comfortable. Wait, bed?

"Is he awake?"

"Not yet. Why don't you rest first, Mikasa? I'll take care of him."




Pain shoor through his body again as he tried to wake up. The moment he succesfully opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was light. Blinding, irritating light.

For a short while, his brain could only manage incoherent mumblings, then when he tried to sit, a gentle hand on his chest prevented him.

Mikasa Ackerman was not exactly the best subordinate out there. Yes, she was undeniably strong and loyal. Levi would sometimes even admire how refined her skills were despite her age. But, the one thing that dented her almost-too-perfect soldier status was her impulsivenss when it came to Eren.

And when Levi saw the nostalgic piece of garment situated on her neck, he felt a weird itch to burn the filthy scarf.

Beside her was a middle-aged man that Levi guessed was a doctor with his countenance. His whole personality just scream "I'm a doctor!" Also, he was wearing a stethoscope.

His gaze fell upon the interior of the room he was in. There's nothing special in it, no indication that it was an infirmary or hospital. He finally deduced that the place was the doctor's house.

"Are you alright? Where are you hurting?" The doctor asked. Levi pointed to his stomach and the doctor quickly examined it.

At the same time, Mikasa was observing them, she was clearly worried sick with the way she fumbled on her scarf.

He cleared his throat. "S-scarf..."

"What?" She looked at him with surprise.

"W-where did you get that?"

As if on cue, a boy the same age as her entered the room.


"Eren?" He could recognize that tuft of brown hair and green eyes anywhere.

Shock was registered on his face. "You know me..?" 

Shit. He could be really dumb sometimes. Well, there was a reason he wasn't called "Humanites Smartest".

Saying Eren's name piqued not just Mikasa's curiosity but also the doctor, who was still examining the fresh bruise on his stomach. Levi fleetingly noticed the hesitation in his touch.

Both kids and Eren's father were waiting for his answer as to why he recognized Eren. He couldn't really say that he would kick him in a courtroom six years from now to save his titan ass. Actually, he could. But dealing with his injuries was taking a toll on his overall mental fortitude. So he said the most used word in his vocabulary (other than brat);


"But you just said my name-"

"I did not."

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