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Idk what this really is considered... Grinding, small bit of a praise kink
3rd Person Pov

"Sapnap when are we going to be homeeeeee?" Karl whined at his boyfriend. The two of them were currently stuck in traffic after visiting some friends. They were hanging out at Dream's house which was just over a two hour drive from where Sapnap and Karl lived.

"Babe I don't know when we'll be arriving. I would say to pull it up on the GPS but the cellular is dead where we are" Sapnap replied back to the boy in the passenger seat. Sapnap looked at the brown haired boy "Just try to be patient love."

"Uhg traffic is stupid, I just want to be home already" Karl complained to the younger boy driving. "We are dead stop on the middle of the highway and the traffic most likely isn't going to be letting up soon."

"Karl look out the window to distract yourself or something" Sapnap said, putting his eyes back on the road to the deadstop cars in front of him. Sapnap wondered what happen ahead of them to cause the traffic to come to a complete stop. It could of been a big accident and he knew if it was that they would see it on the news eventually.

"I'm boreddddd" Karl huffed looking away from the window and towards the front of the car.

Sapnap shifted in his seat. He continued to keep his eyes on the road in front of him but he also had some thoughts in the back of his head. Sapnap was getting a little turned on by his whining boyfriend in the car. Sapnap loves the vocal boy's sounds but in his current situation it was not the time to be horney. Sapnap blushed Athos thoughts, the blood rushing down and not helping the tent beginning to form in his pants.

Karl looked over at his boyfriend wanting a response to what he had said earlier. When his eyes settled on Sapnap's Face he noticed how red it was becoming. "Sapnap do you feel alright?" Karl asked innocently with concern laced in his voice.

Sapnap turned to the boy leaning in and kissing Karl passionately. He reached his hand around the boy and placing it in his hair.

Karl was a bit taken back from Sapnaps actions but he soon eased into the kiss enjoying the younger boy playing with his hair.

The two boys made out for a while until Sapnap broke the kiss to lean back into his seat pushing it back all the way as well as putting the car in park so that the steering wheel went up and got out of the way. (Do you get the steering wheel thing? Basically to my knowledge in some new r cars the steering g wheel can go up and move out of the way of the driver.)

Karl got the message Sapnap was saying and as the boy readjusted the driver's seat Karl slipped off his shoes and started climbing to the driver's side. Karl settled down straddling Sapnaps hips, both boy's feeling each other's erections restrained beneath their clothes. "Won't we be seen?" Karl asked the black haired boy he was sitting on top straddling.

"It'll be fine, either way we won't be doing too much." (Saving that spice for the bedroom)

Karl shifted creating friction between their bulges. Karl leaned reconnecting his lips with Sapnaps, missing the hot makeout session they had earlier. Karl moaned into the kiss starting to grind his hips down on Sapnap creating pleasure for them.

Sapnap groaned when Karl started moving, the two of them creating a faster pace between their hips enjoying the friction as the two of them got closer. Sapnap broke the kiss instead moving his head starting to suck on Karls neck knowing how much the older boy loved it.

They were both panting and Karl was a moaning mess due to how vocal he was with even the tiniest of pleasure. "Sapnap Im close" Karl moaned.

"I know I am as well," Sapnap replied continuing to buck his hips up meeting Karls grinding their clothed dicks together. Good boy Karl, Sapnap moaned with the pleasure taking over him and wanting to finish when Karl did.

Within the next minute of the boys grinding on each other Karl let out an especially loud moan, the praise from Sapnap sending him over the edge.

Sapnap came almost immediately after Karl did hearing the boy call his name. They sat there both catching their breaths and not failing to notice the steamed car windows.

Karl had changed his mind, maybe traffic isn't too bad


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