40; Jealousy

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As Zhubao pushed me and tried to approach her, I held her wrist as Yelimi started stepping backwards, Yelimi was looking at us with disgust. "Y-You lied to me..."

"I'm sorry, Yelimi..." Zhubao attempted to touch her.

"You are a liar," she ran outside, Zhubao pulld herself, but I held her hand.

"No..." I shook my head.

"B-But—" she pouted.

"I said, no, stay here...." I looked at her. "I know she wants to be alone..."

She sat beside me. "I'm so guilty..."

"It's not your fault, it's not a sin to love someone..." I sat in front her. "Don't go outside, wait for me here..."

I stood up and went to the bathroom, after taking a bath. I came out then I saw her standing at the veranda, I dry my hair using the towel before going, I hugged her from the back.

"Good night, I love you," I said.

"Goodnight." she said and tucked herself to the bed while I was on the couch.

"Zhubao, wake up..." I called her.

"Hmm...." she moaned.

"Let's have a breakfast, we'll go after two hours..." I said, she stood up and went to the bathroom. Thats her, she didn't even give me a kiss before going.

She once told me that she is not that sweet like other girls, and she is really not that sweet. She doesn't say good morning if you didn't say it first or even good nights or greetings. Thats the way she is, then after we ate, we went outside.

"Did you bring your car?" Ms. Zyrill asked me.

"My driver will bring it here, mā," I said, then after a couple of minutes waiting, the driver arrived.

"Are you going to drive it sir?" He asked me.

"Yeah, here." I gave him some money. "Take a taxi, take care Mr. Wu..."

"Thank you, sir..." He smiled, I opened the compartment and helped them to put their luggage's.

I opened the backseat doors and wait for them to ride. Ms. Zyrill sat inside first. Zhubao is about to go but I held her hand, Yelimi looked at her with a meaningful stare, but in the end, she has no choice and just sit with her mother.

I opened the shot gun seat and let Zhubao sit inside, I rode the car saying, "Comfortable enough?"

"Yah, as always," Zhubao rolled her eyes. I shook my head and started to drive.

It was Zhubao, humming the song Because of You.

"Cute..." I chuckled.

I continued driving, Zhubao glanced at the backseat. "They're sleeping..."

"Yeah, and you, don't you want to sleep too?" I asked her.

"No, I'm hungry." She pouted.

"I have some chips on my bag." I smiled.

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