16; One of a Kind

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I opened my eyes just because he stopped kissing me, then I saw Junhao standing a bit far from us, Ji didn't let go of my hand and it just became tighter, I didn't know what to react, I just stared at them both. "J-Junhao, what are you doing-"

I held Ji's hand tighter and looked at his eyes, "Maybe it's time for you to follow him."

"S-Sorry Zhubao..."

"I-I'm sorry too..." I lowered my head, "Tell him this was all just a mistake..."

"T-Thank you..." He said as he ran after Junhao.

Why did I let him capture my first kiss?

That wasn't a mistake at all, he kissed you Zhubao and you freaking responded.

"Then you're asking why he kissed you, idiot." I whispered, after a minute I went to the hotel and take a half bath before sleeping, but I did not see him in here, "Where is he?"

Ji is not here, and why the fuck am I looking for him, I can't look at him in the eyes after what have just happened, the next day I woke up earlier, then felt that I was facing the other side of the bed where I was not supposed to, and noticed that the other side was crumpled, means that someone must have been there, then I saw a necklace that had been took off, on the side where someone slept.

Realization hit me, its pendant was J.

I remember who owns it, its... Zhang Ji. 

Wait... did he?

Why the actual fuck did I let him sleep behind me last night?

"Guys, breakfast is ready!" Zhu shouted from outside.

I ran to the bathroom the moment I heard the doorknob; I clenched my fist and got a grip on the silver necklace on my hand, I peeked on the door as I saw him staring at the room. I heard him sigh before he entered, "Good, she's not here..."

Right, he should be ashamed for what he did, it's not because he is my idol, I would tolerate what he did.

He kissed me, and he didn't even mean it, that's how I hate it.

Until I heard his footsteps away, I made sure he's not here before taking a bath, and after taking a bath I went to the kitchen. "Good morning!!!" Zeyu Shouted.

"Good morning," I responded.

"Here, a pancake, Zhubao..." Zhu prepared me some and he handed me the plate.

"Thank you..." I spoke.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

Zeyu eyes widened. "A-ah y-yeah they had a walk for a while."

"This early?" I asked.

"Yeah, morning walk..." Zhu said.

"Okay..." I smiled and continue eating.


After I got my phone in our room, I went outside to see Hang, Junhao and Guanyu riding the speedboat.

Where are they going?

I decided not to go near them, I can't face Junhao for what happened last night. I am still asking myself, why did I do it?

I can't believe I already got my first kiss, but from the girl I don't even love romantically.

Don't I?

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