Chapter 37: Bye Bye F.O.W.L

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A few hours had passed since Mark and Ellie legitimately ditched Steelbeak and there was still no sign of Boyd.

Mark had tried to convince Ellie that Boyd must've had escaped time and time again, but she just wasn't convinced. Plus she still didn't 100% trust Wyatt.

For the most part, the hallways weren't dangerous, save from the occasional group of robot guards. It was just irritating because it was like a damn maze. Apparently F.O.W.L had done a lot of remodeling since taking over Waddle which didn't please Mark in the slightest. He threw a bit of a temper tantrum over that earlier.

"God. The connection here is SHIAT!" Mark groaned. "How can the connection in what used to be a successful tech company be bad? Answer me that fucking question!" He couldn't even tweet! The only thing he could do was play Mario Kart offline and read the smut he had saved on his phone. He was currently doing the latter.

Ellie stopped and he rammed right into her. She didn't budge.


"Do you hear that? sounds like Wyatt is nearby if I am not mistaken."

Mark heard it too. "Yeah I think you're right... sounds like disappointment! HA HA!" He gave himself a high five with his phone high five instalment. "I'm a riot!"

"Shut up, Mark."

Damn. Someone wasn't in a good mood.

Ellie led the way for a little while, toward the sound, until they eventually reached Mark's old office. She leaned against the wall to listen in while Mark was still reading self-insert smut.

"So, Wyatt... you mean to tell me that you not only betrayed me, but also didn't inform me that Boyd had escaped?" It was Mr. B.

"I had nothing to do with Boyd escaping! H-honest!" He continued, much to everyone's surprise. "But I wish I had! I'm tired of working for you! And F.O.W.L! A-and if I die trying to help get everyone out of here, then so be it! I will not stand here and watch you hurt my friends!" Ellie and Mark couldn't see this happen, but Wyatt dramatically untied his cape and threw it on the ground.

Mr. B slapped Wyatt across the face. He didn't even use half of his strength but it was enough to knock Wyatt to the ground. "F.OW.L gave you everything! You were nothing before joining us! WHY ARE YOU HELPING THEM?!"

Wyatt put a hand over his cheek and glared. "Because it's the right thing to do! You- You are a horrible and pathetic... asshole!" Woah, Wyatt said a swear word?!

"Asshole?" Mr. B rolled his eyes and let out a small laugh. "Ouch. That one really hurt." He stepped forward so his shadow was covering Wyatt completely. "You know your efforts are fruitless, right? They're not going to escape. Dr. Gearloose already passed away, sadly enough. I'm sure Gloria is soon to follow; Heidi has a bit of an issue with her despite Toodles wanting the death to be slow and painful. I just don't think Heidi has the patience." He shrugged, but his sentence wasn't over quite yet. "And now, because of you, Ellie and Mark are next. You could've made their deaths less painless if you remained on our side, but all you did was add your name to the list. So now you're going to die a slow and painful death along with them."

Wyatt shook his head "No! I won't let you hurt them! I-If you want them, th-then you'll have to go through me first!" It was cliché but he meant it.

That was enough Ellie needed to hear. She sighed and turned to look at Mark.

"We need to help him." She couldn't believe she was saying that.

"Ew, why?" Mark wasn't paying attention to Wyatt's speech the entire time. Even if he had, he would've said the same thing.

"Because, right now, he is the same Wyatt that I first met. We cannot just leave him to die." She said. "You can either join me or leave."

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