Chapter 5

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Sorry I haven't updated this in a while!! >.< I haven't given up on it or forgotten about it like other stories I did >.< so let's start this chapter?
Ash!! I have to tell you something!! I shouted with a deep uncontrollable blush. I blushed nervously trying to speak. I shouldn't have gotten too over confident..I thought to myself. Serena? What are you trying to say? Ash asked a bit concerned. Your face is really red..! I couldn't seem to be able to speak. I signaled Bonnie with a look. Bonnie grinned and ran over. Ahem! Bonnie cleared her throat. What Serena here is trying to say...Bonnie looked at me. Don't worry she whispered. I nodded. o..ok..
Bonnie continued what she was saying. What Serena here is trying to say is she has a crush on you. Ash looked at me. I blushed and ran away into some woods. BONNIE'S POV
I sighed. Now what...? "Poor Serena" said Ash. What..? I asked. I like Serena too..wish I could tell her..but.. I heard Ash say this. I gasped and ran toward where Serena ran off to yelling SERENA!!!!!!
Ugh I had to re-write this whole chapter cause my phone died and lost the whole chapter. so it may not be like how originally written I might have left stuff out idk but anyways...

Pokemon XY fanfic: Serena x Ash ~AmourShipping~Where stories live. Discover now