Depressed!Bumblebee x Blitzwing - Light Angst

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Bumblebee has been struggling with his depression as far as he can remember. When he joined Autobots, Ratchet took a psychological evaluation and put him on antidepressants. However, with the recent unrelenting attacks from the Decepticons and the Wolfcons, the team has failed to notice Bumblebee's lack of pills.

Warning: Self-Hate,... Also a little fluffy

Bumblebee's PoV

The team was ambushed by Decepticons for what felt like the millionth time. "I swear, it's like they put a tracker on me!", Prowl shouted in annoyance. One of the jets had snatched him out the shadows like he was nothing. I gazed out the window and watched the dark array of clouds. "It's gonna rain soon.", I interrupted Optimus and Bulkhead's argument. "Oh, I should go tell Sari. She hates all kinds of storms.", Bulkhead worriedly sighed as the clouds lit up with electricity. "I'll be in my berthroom if anyone needs me... Which I doubt you will.", I mumbled the last part under my breath.

"'Scuse me?", Ratchet said, spinning around in his seat. "Nothing.", I said, leaving the MedBay and heading to the berthrooms. Honestly, I normally wouldnt mind the storm. In fact, I found the sound of rain soothing, but I was looking forward to going to the forest later, to my safe field. I realised, as I sat on my berth, I forgot to tell Ratchet the one thing that and been on my mind for months: I needed to refill my medicine... But then again, he has to deal with a bunch of other damage right now... Maybe tomorrow.

I grabbed one of my pillows and hugged it to my chest, pulling my knee pads up to the pillow as well for extra reassurance. I don't think Ratchet would care I'm missing my antidepressants if I brought it up. I frowned and felt my horns twitch at the sound of a few bots arguing in the corridor. Probably Bulkhead and Optimus again, or Prowl and Optimus. I couldn't hear the other person over the Bossman's voice.

I took out my datapad and opened my weather tracker. I felt a smile tug at the corner of my lips as I noticed the storm was going to barely pass us. I decided that if I was gonna got to my area, I should probably go now. I opened the secret Autobot chat, but I felt myself freeze. Why would they care if I was gone? The probably wouldn't even notice. It would be better to just go. But then again, getting scolded by Optimus or lectured by Ratchet doesn't seem like a good thing right now; they're both pissed.

Let's just go. They don't care about me. No one does. I can just make up an excuse like I have time and time again.

I put my pillow back and hopped off my berth, grabbing a thermal coat and putting my datapad in one of the pockets. The arguing had since ceased in the hall, and since most everyone was recharging in their room, they wouldn't notice I was gone, even if I was missing for a few weeks... Primus that sounds nice, to just leave base for a month or two and come back with nothing changed.

Blitzwing's PoV

That bucketheaded mech! I groaned as I thought of today's events. Megatron had decided to double down on the ambushes on the Autobots, but we've also managed to get ourselves in the crosshairs of the Wolfcons! And when we got ambushed by them, it took them 5 hours to get backup when the base was 2 hours away! I stomped down the hill, the ground not really agreeing to this action as it shook slightly.

I frowned as I came across a clearing. I didn't really want to be out in the open, but something caught my eye. A small mech, painted yellow and black- WAIT, THAT'S THE AUTOBOT, BUMBLEBEE! I freaked out for a second, until I realised...

Where's his team?

The other Autobots were nowhere to be seen, and I wasn't picking up any signals other than the scout in front of me. Actually, now that I think about it, Bee hasn't seemed himself for a while. His movements are sloppier than their normal energetic precision, and he seemed to be sad than his usual mood. He always struck me as the happy-go-lucky of the Autobots, but the past few months have only proved that to be utter nonsense. However, this does beg the question -- do I go talk to him and risk being attacked, or should I just leave him be?

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