StarBee (G1)

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Story Name: Arctic Circle

Requested By: MurderHornet_

Setting: Being stuck in the organic Arctic with a nearly offline Decepticon was NOT how Bumblebee had expected this mission to have gone. But, hey, at least the minibot has medic programming and can get Starscream back on his pedes AND Starscream has a generous amount of outer heaters to keep them both from freezing... but why did the flier keep looking at them like that?

Story Type: Stuck together, fluff, crush, G1, minor angst, non-descript violence, minor time skips, accidental confessions, cuddling for body heat, love at first sight, graphic injury

Potential Triggers: Non-descript violence and graphic injury


Bumblebee: It/They

Starscream: He/They

Ratchet: He/It


Starscream onlined slowly. His processor hurt, but his frame felt worse. But above all else, the cold was the worst. Why was it so fragging cold? Their system kept sending them reports about low fuel reserves, injured circuitry, and other issues. Megatron must've messed him up, didn't he? Starscream suddenly felt something warm tap against his derma. "C'mon... open up..." a familiar voice muttered. Who was that? Starscream swore they'd heard them before. "Don't be difficult, Starscream! Open your intake, ya need to refuel," the bot scolded the half-awake mech. Starscream opened his derma against his will.

He recognized the taste immediately; oil. The ex-Decepticon drank hungrily, hot liquid filling their tanks and helping regulate their frame's temperature. "There we go," the mech cooed softly, "that's much better, isn't it?" Starscream whined when the oil was taken away. "I'll give you some more in a bit, Screamer. For now, you need to rest." Curiosity was getting the best of him. He needed to know who was taking care of him. They onlined their optics and felt the chilly air catch in their vents.

Above him was perhaps the most beautiful Cybertronian they'd ever seen. Bright yellow plating stood boldly against the dark caverns, outlining their gorgeous, sleek build and Unicron, that pretty face...

The minibot's pale blue optics skimmed the seeker's frame before they settled down. Briefly, their optics met. Starscream felt his faceplate heat up when the young mech smiled. "Oh, good, you can hear me! Do you need something?" the yellow mech asked. Starscream couldn't remember having ever met this mech, so how did it know his designation? It wasn't until the seeker noticed the red symbol on the stranger's chassis that things clicked.

An Autobot.

They remembered now. This was the minibot that would shock the Decepticons with its stingers! Why hadn't Starscream noticed how pretty the yellow bot was before? No, "pretty" wasn't the right word... Enticing? Beautiful? Mesmerizing...? "Hey... you okay, Screamer?" They reached out with a bright yellow servo and cradled Starscream's red helm. Starscream felt his core temperature rise a few degrees. He opened his intake to say something, but static came out. "Don't rush yourself. Focus on resting, Primus knows ya need it," the Autobot smiled sweetly. Starscream could feel their frame shutting down into stasis, but they fought it, wanting to ask the sweet little Autobot its designation...

The next time Starscream onlined, his processor was a little clearer. Of course, they were still in pain, but it wasn't as intense as when they first onlined. Their memory files were pixelated and hazy, but they could vividly remember Megatron declaring them a "traitor!" and "getting rid of them once and for all!" The sound of small pedesteps caught his attention. Right, there was an Autobot taking care of him... the seeker flushed in embarrassment at his previous thoughts about the yellow mech. They couldn't be that pretty, could they? Starscream onlined their optics.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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